Calcific Tendonitis
My father has been suffering from calcific tendonitis in his right shoulder for over a year. He has limited range of motion that causes pain with some exercises that involve the shoulder.
Doctors occasionally treat him with shockwave therapy to break the calcium deposits. However, it doesn’t seem to help much. I suspect that the issue is related to metabolic factors.He is mostly vegetarian: he eats lots of vegetables, legumes, and some dairy and eggs. He doesn’t eat as much fruit anymore because he’s learned that “sugar is bad” from watching YouTube videos. He has other beliefs like “salt is bad and will give you hypertension” so he barely adds any salt into his food.
I’ve been pushing him into a more peaty diet, having more salt, organ meats and gelatin.
I’m sorry for rambling, I’m looking for advice from people who perhaps have dealt with something similar, or know of a good protocol to tackle the calcification.
I’ve thought of a protocol consisting of vitamin D / sunlight, vitamin K2, and magnesium, and perhaps more calcium.
Thanks in advanced for the help.
just give him estroban . i say this because he sounds annoying and getting him 4-5 different bottles of supplements is probably going to be annoying to keep track of. just get him estroban and tell him to take 8 drops a day. wa-la. he might get some improvement and then you can target specific vitamins at higher doses or whatever you think is the best plan.
as for getting more calcium the only way ive found to do it with annoying people is to mix ground eggshell powder super finely ground into their food when it is saucy so it just mixes in the sauce or in the case of ground meat burgers with it mixed in. if you dont powder it enough (it takes like 8 minutes with a mortar and pestle to powder 2-4 grams). they'll feel the grit and probably be less likely to allow you to continue adding it to their food.
sugar is le bad is some kind of retarded curse . ive seen people reject pure ice cream made with eggs milk sugar and vanilla and willingly choose to eat deep fried in rapeseed oil fries and chicken tenders
Hi Op, and yes. The way i had to tackle my parent situation was to work close to their preferences . I realized what worked for me may not fit your dad's preferences but you can look up substitutes.
In my case it was encouraging more of what they ate occasionally. Eating more bone broth and tripe (collagen/gelatin/Glycine), there's always stock in the freezer now. Tripe, spleen, liver for minerals and enzymes. Jello.
Swapping over to Quali-C for Vit-C, it works with Glycine. Cherries, including juice and especially tart varieties, have a good nutrition profile and help with inflammation after exercise, along with sugar borates which can help with certain bone and joint issues in low dose. Calcium fructoborate pills are sold but don't neglect whole foods and mind the overall Boron intake if combining pils with foods.
Aspirin has a role with inflammation especially in the long term and many other supporting roles of course.
Vitamin D/sunlight, Magnesium ideas seem sound. And remember that Vit-K2 has many forms but the MK4 and MK7 seem the nost useful. Some folks go fairly high dose on the MK4. This form is worth the extra research imo as i recall it having a direct role especially in higher dose.
I have had success restoring a full range of motion (ROM) in my shoulders using a 'dead hang' exercise. I first learned about it from a book written by a retired board certified orthopedic surgeon named Jophn Kirsch. The cover of the book shows the dead hang exercise from the wrong angle. It is a passive exercise meaning no movement is needed.
This YT video by two physical therapist decribe exercise.
Why & How "Hanging" STOPS Shoulder Pain & SurgeryI purchased the book years ago and I think the video is better than the book. It was painful when I first started hanging but the pain of hanging stopped when I let go of the bar. Incidently, I started on a horizontal bar at a local elementary school in the beginning and my feet supported some of my weight. Now, I try to get 2 sessions a week of about 90 seconds total to maintain ROM.
Oh Kuinone would be marvelous.
And keep working on him eating ripe fruit, more salt and gelatin.