@CO3 What material is the grounding sheet made of? Hopefully not polyester.

Latest posts made by oliveoil
RE: Grounding sheet for bed
RE: Milk vs Eggshell powder
@Pooooop very easy: boil eggshells for a few minutes, remove the water and put them in the microwave or oven to dry them out. Then grind them into dust.
If you make boiled eggs you can probably skip the first step
RE: Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestion
Here are my ideas:
- Chew your food into atoms.
- Avoid drinks while you have your meal.
- Meat cooked in stews is easier to digest.
- Try separating different kinds of foods. For instance, try eating meat and fruit separately.
- Don’t fill your stomach so much, eat more often instead.
RE: Consensus on a good Vitamin C source?
I’m starting to take acerola powder along with collagen to boost collagen synthesis. Acerola powder is extremely rich in vitamin c, half a gram gives you the whole daily value.
That being said, I don’t know if it comes with any tradeoffs
RE: Shitcoins
Cuba has launched their own official shitcoin in pumpfun.
The post has already been deleted.
I suppose many of you are familiar with crypto.
How am I supposed to take that the president of the United States of America and his wife, the First Lady, have released and are promoting “official memecoins” named after themselves on the Solana blockchain?
The solana ecosystem is primarily used to trade meme tokens. The vast majority of them a pump and dump schemes, while the rest are based in building “communities”, where the strategy is to promote the community to new investors in order to use them as exit liquidity.
But seeing the official Trump and Melania accounts literally shilling their own shitcoins, complete with contract addresses, feels surreal. This kind of behavior is what you’d expect from random accounts hyping up tokens with names like Retardio or Niggabutt, not from the President and First Lady.
This feels like an absurd simulation. Why would they do this?
RE: Help with EU Sources
@wester130 This thread is about EU (European Union) sources, you linked a product sold in the US. Thank you nonetheless.
RE: Help with EU Sources
Anybody knows a good source for nicotine? I’ve been wanting to try nicotine micro-dosing to increase my focus.
RE: I just ate some plastic, should I make myself vomit or not worry about it.
@LucH I don't have absorbic acid at hand... Any other options? I took several pills of magnesium citrate and drank coffee. Hopefully that'll help...