Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry
@psi said in Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry:
Okayish interview. The brother is pro-keto and anti sugar. They both sound like propaganda pieces. Tucker is still on YouTube, so it's allowed. Closer to actual truth gets removed quickly
They've been brainwashed. I think overall it is amazing that the Powers that Be are allowing it to remain on youtube. But then, there's been a few untimely deaths recently....
https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/08/20/morgan-stanley-chief-jonathan-bloomer-also-on-sunken-bayesian-yacht-with-michael-lynch/ -
I see others are picking up the story and so the message is getting amplified.TUCKER CARLSON a | 80% US adults FAT Government: “Take Ozempic for life” 4:48 minutes long
Tucker Carlson talks about BIG PHARMA and what they are UP TO!! | Ozempic 42 minutes This video precedes the first video I posted by 4 months. The video showcased should be still available via Tucker's site or his youtube channel but I can't find it (maybe I just missed it?).
The Nazis had brilliant scientists working for them, as well as military and spy types whose only value would be in intelligence and counterilligenxe work.
The scientists and spooks were offered work and good pay and a new life and a career for the Jewish-Talmudist serving white victors in the US/UK establishment. And the direction of these efforts were not noble but evil.
Who heads all this matters. But the Interview tells part of the truth only as the small fry is always the scapegoat. The big kahuna is spared the vitriole in how current events, to become history later, are recounted.
The guy is obviously Jewish, and he has been cautioned and warned to not let his tribe take the blame, and truth is varnished though this is the truth we have come to accept.
YouTube allows this because the varnish is kosher.
@yerrag Yes. 100%. The thing I was trying to point out is that the bad guys (NAZIS, Kazarian Mafia, Talmud, take your pick of titles) are running the asylum. Still. Nothing was settled after WWII, they just moved here, burrowed in, took over. You are familiar with the H.W.Bush Sr. connection with NAZI Germany, yes?
Yes, bad guys, whether Talmudist or Nazi, are incestuous. But Nazis didn't take over. The bad Nazi guys served under the white puppets of Talmudist robber barons.
But there are also Jews, as well as Gentiles, who keep trying to put an end to this. We still get to see what the unvarnished truth is. Thanks to them.
@yerrag Yes. I'm quite hopeful, actually, that we will witness the cleansing. Soon.
@yerrag this video is illuminating: Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters
@psi said in Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry:
@mostlylurking ozemptic being a polymer is very patentable and impossible to manufacture by small groups or individuals. I don't know enough about it, but appetite suppressors have been cheap and could be available to anyone. Ideally, people could just eat fruits and get enough sunshine to lose weight, but that's too boring
What do you mean about “ Ozempic being a polymer”?
Just from various things I’ve read about it, it really is quite dangerous. People have died from it.
But they’re keeping that bit of information on the down low because it makes so much money for big Harma.Always, the money.
@Butter-Girl said in Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry:
Ozempic being a polymer”
A search for Ozempic is a "polymer" yielded this: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-09-ozempic-social-media-weight.html
"Ozempic is in short supplyOzempic contains the active ingredient semaglutide. It is a prescription-only drug used to treat type 2 diabetes. One side effect of taking it is significant weight loss. This has led to so many people trying to obtain the drug there have been shortages.
Instead, some people have turned to more easily accessible over-the-counter alternatives to try to lose weight. That includes berberine, which has been dubbed "nature's own Ozempic."
What is 'budget Ozempic?'"Budget Ozempic" is different to "nature's own Ozempic." It is the polymer polyethylene glycol 3350, or PEG 3350 for short.
Chemically, it's similar to other polymers used as ingredients in cosmetics, drug delivery, archaeological preservative paints, soaps and even missile fuel. It's not to be confused with ethylene glycol, which is used in antifreeze."
-end paste-The world has gone stark raving mad.
@mostlylurking the masses don't care about potential bad effects as long as the doctor approves. They get another script to treat the side effects.
I think psi means that a polymer requires a reactor to mix and make polymer out of monomers. I used to manage a factory producing polymers. It's not something that can be made by a backyard operation, though definitely it can be scaled down. Plus, the materials needed to make polymers are usually sold in tons, truckloads, if not shiploads.
@Butter-Girl polymer in this context is mostly to contrast with simple molecule drugs like amphetamine. Simple molecules have been discovered 100 years ago, and competition is too high nowadays. Polymers can be easily tweaked, think about changing a letter in a paragraph.
People have died from all kinds of drugs. I don't see how this one is particularly dangerous to be banned.
@psi said in Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry:
@mostlylurking the masses don't care about potential bad effects as long as the doctor approves. They get another script to treat the side effects.
They are all stark raving mad.
@yerrag OK. So it's unlikely that people will be able to cook Ozempic up in their kitchen and sell it on the black market. So they're opting to sell polyethylene glycol as "Budget Ozempic" instead. Got it.
The word is out: Fake no va!
@mostlylurking I'm surprised she knows about estrogen causing cancer. Probably thinks it's only breast cancer. Overall, nothing new aside from a "credentialed" doctor on a fairly big platform.
Ozempic is triggering the fear of the unknown fear in some. Give it two years, and the hype will be gone.
@psi said in Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry:
Ozempic is triggering the fear of the unknown fear in some. Give it two years, and the hype will be gone.
Because there will be a massive die off from it, so no more rubes left?
@mostlylurking that's possible. Same can be said about booze and fried chicken. If they prefer to live a shorter life while skinny, there's not much you can do about it. Nitzsche put this issue into words more than a century ago. As I said before, I don't like how centralized the production side is. It's been a dream of many of the ruling class to rid the world of the human cockroach, and now the masses are running into the slaughterhouse.
@mostlylurking said in Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry:
I am amazed that youtube is hosting this video. I pray for their safety.
@psi said in Tucker Carlson Red Pills the population about the medical industry:
@mostlylurking that's possible. Same can be said about booze and fried chicken. If they prefer to live a shorter life while skinny, there's not much you can do about it. Nitzsche put this issue into words more than a century ago. As I said before, I don't like how centralized the production side is. It's been a dream of many of the ruling class to rid the world of the human cockroach, and now the masses are running into the slaughterhouse.
Well put. I agree. It's all so very sad.