Weird extreme fatigue bouts during exercise
Been noticing when im about done with my workouts i suddenly get hit with faintness, weak, rapid heart rate, anxiety, scattered thinking, panic attack. I love to lift even some may think it isnt the best but id like to keep doing it for the joy it brings me but this is the worst. I was really worried the first few times so doctor checked on my heart, brain, cardio-system, kidney, liver ect; theyre all fine. next we are checking iron, electrolytes, nutrition panel.
Has anyone in bioenergetics community wrote about this where i could find some answers. Thank you and love the new forum
@AndrewPeatMatrix I don't lift but honey, oj and especially pregnenolone can end a panic attack. Also, anything salty that has coconut oil in it... yum
@dt interesting ive never heard that - why would honey oj stop a panic attack? thanks for tip
@AndrewPeatMatrix I had bouts of this in the past too, and still occasionally get headaches during my workouts now. I found sugar, baking soda, and caffeine preworkout to really help, but I think the biggest difference was introducing salt preworkout. I have 1/2-1 teaspoon 30 mins before and I find that affective, also gives a nice pump too
@AndrewPeatMatrix honey for me is a dream, sometimes life gets me and I just get a tablespoon or 2 in and feel extremely better. Suddenly, I can breath. Carbohydrates increase co2 and I think that low co2 causes anxiety, would explain why bag breathing is effective, but I think you'd get weird looks at the gym.
Oj has a similar effect, but you have to squeeze it first -
@bigdog yea i should experiment with electrolytes i do sweat alot and its summer here, i notice its alot worse if i drank a couple days before or something which suggests depleted electrolytes. i also avoid dairy for a while so might be low on calcium
@AndrewPeatMatrix yeah definitely try and up your electrolytes then, see if that makes any difference. A lot of people on here don’t like gallons and gallons of water a day but I think 3-4 litres, especially in summer and with exercise, is usually quite necessary
Two things I'm thinking of that aren't blaming it on estrogen are a lack of electrolytes after sweating, which you already know about. I used to get lightheaded when I wasn't deliberately salting things. The second thing I'm thinking of is a lack of oxygen, commonly caused by a deviated septum. The lack of air could cause all of those symptoms. People try to suggest weights have no "cardio" component, but they do, so a lack of oxygen would cause these symptoms to flare up while lifting.
@AndrewPeatMatrix I had exercise intolerance after a brain injury, dysautonomia was a big part of the problem and sounds similar to what you're describing.
I've been focusing on increasing my heart rate variability, doing resonant breathing in between sets (kneeling or sitting on the ground and doing deep 4 second breaths in and out) and it seemed to help. Having said that, it took quite a while to get to that point. I wear a whoop strap which tracks my HRV though and have measured an increase over the past few months and don't feel terrible afterward.
Related to that, I've been laying on a biomat post-workout, doing Wim Hof breathing either pre or post workout, and also increasing my Vitamin B intake (thiamine deficiency can be implicated in dysautonomia)