Bioenergetic Pharma Companies?
I'm about to start a MS program in statistics and am wondering which pharmaceutical companies have a bioenergetic perspective?
Ideally, I want to work for/alongside a pharma company/scientists who are at least open to the idea of using metabolic modulation to achieve health outcomes.
From my brief research, it seems that many of the best pharma companies who have this perspective are in eastern Europe. I don't know how realistic it is to work for them.
IMO you'll have a hard time finding a company in the west that focuses on bioenergetics without nefarious/covetous intent. At least one that won't be muscled out by the rest.
Western Europeans don't have the same business drive as Americans because they are used to good times and are comfortable with their 24 hour work week and early vacations. Eastern European countries can't even flush poopy toilet paper down the drain without clogging the pipes and when they try to emulate American shrewd business tactics it just comes off as cringe. America is the promised land and will be for the foreseeable future. your idealism will be crushed when you arrive in Eastern Europe and go out to a cafe and go to use the bathroom and the sign says to throw your poopy toilet paper in the poopy waste-bin. someone will manually empty that out later.
I hear lots of cringelords are moving to Hungary lately because Orban is "based and rEdPiLlEd". you could try there.
Please explain where in OP there is even a hint of this "idealism" you speak of.
I ended it by saying that I doubt its realistic to work, for example, for the manufacturer of Mildronate, which is Grindeks.
You could try to contact Georgi/haidut. His own company is probably way too small, but he should have some contacts and a pretty good overview.