@herenow I'm not paranoid anymore the main issue is my fucking dystonia.
@herenow So the only substance that I took from these types are cyproheptadine and diphenhydramine.
Cyproheptadine is know to be dirty pharmacology-wise, but the pathway leading to dystonia is large. This drug has anticholinergic and antidopaminergic properties, which can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters involved in motor control and aggravate dystonic symptoms. My goal is to offset the use of benzodiazepines and muscle relaxants (baclofen) to treat my dystonia, in a peaty way.
So I need to balance my neurotransmitters without screwing them in the long run. -
@herenow lmk
@of You've increased the number of variables in your life massively by using so many chemicals.
There could be an interaction between the drugs where they wouldn't cause this on their own.
Drug withdrawal can also cause dystonia.
I doubt it's permanent.
@herenow By the way if you really interested in helping me, during summer I literally took nothing and was on vacation so changed my environment and dystonia didn't disappeared but faded. But last October I was also on vacation but dystonia persisted.
@of Nobody here can give you accurate answers. Your body is managing billions of variables and there's no way to know if your going in the right or wrong direction but lifestyle changes are not likely to make a dent.
If you panic and throw a bunch of new drugs at the problem you'll end up with new issues. Most likely the problem will just go away but you have to stop taking something or lower the dose.
For anyone who's sees this:
No pill or lifestyle change will fix destructive thought pasterns. I've seen this myth destroy many lives.
People with the most to gain will avoid therapy the hardest.
@herenow "No pill or lifestyle change will fix destructive thought pasterns."
This post is deleted! -
@sushi_is_cringe said in paranoia:
@herenow "No pill or lifestyle change will fix destructive thought pasterns."
You're exactly right.
What I meant is keep trying different drugs and drink more milk.
Lift heavy
Career (say doctor or lawyer)
Nice Car
Beautiful wife
Happy healthy kidsAnd then you're fixed
@of feeling warmer Can reduce stress and paranoïa
@of Being occupied by hobbies and various projects made my anxiety and paranoia disappear. I only felt paranoid when I had nothing to do in my life. Also meditating on the breath for 10 or 20 minutes makes these things seem ridiculous.