DHT in hypothyroid state
Is there any risk to taking exogenous DHT in a hypothyroid state? or would it be of benefit to the person?
@albion we need more information
@risingfire If one is, say, low on thyroid hormones, or has low body temps, or has high rT3, would exogenous DHT worsen one's condition (in any way—say, more likely to lose hair) or better it? Hypothyroidism is correlated with higher prolactin, estrogen, and cortisol, so the question could also be framed in the context of whether artificially increasing DHT is bad or good in the presence of these stress hormones. I'm not sure we have all the data but I'm curious if anyone out there knows or if there are any anecdote-driven consensus etc..
I know that optimal thyroid can greatly increase Testosterone and DHT, so I'm curious if it's harmful to increase DHT without optimal thyroid—whether it would help or suppress the thyroid.
@albion why don't you share your experience
@risingfire No experience, just curious about this.
@oskaar23 Yes it definitely seems very beneficial from a bioenergetic perspective. Some of these beneficial compounds/hormones are helpful in the context of a euthyroid state, however. For example DHEA or high-dose Pregnenolone can sometimes backfire in a stressed human (from the many anecdotal reports), increasing unwanted symptoms (but often still ameliorating others).
@albion Even taking thyroid could be problematic. I know Georgi mentioned once he only takes thyroid if he is feeling sick . Because he finds it to hard to dose it accurately. He rather take things that have a longer half life and more general pro oxidative phosphorylation compounds like quinones, vit E and aspirin . I suspect things like dht , androsterone, progesterone etc isn’t as tricky to dose as t3 or t3/t4 . which is too easily over or under done