What 20th century experiment should I replicate?
Hi all,
I'm currently a graduate student studying biostatistics. In Fall 2025, I'm going to have the opportunity to work with some other master's students to design a study.
What experiment from the 20th century should I try to replicate that will really expose contemporary scientific "knowledge" in biology?
The one I'm thinking of is randomizing mice to groups where the sum of PUFA + SFA + Sugar(or starch) is equal in calories for all groups but the ratios of PUFA, SFA, Sugar are varied across groups. I might even introduce an arm in which I see how high I can get the metabolic rate in the low PUFA groups by supplementing small amounts of liver.
I remember Peat reporting that the high PUFA groups were all fat whereas the low PUFA were all lean.
You're already off to an excellent start. Consider putting each group through physical and mental trials to demonstrate the most exacerbating effects of each diet, too.. As an ancillary study.