How long does supplemental thyroid suppress TSH for?
On my medical record, one of my previous blood panels shows my TSH at <0.01 because I was taking cynomel & cynoplus at the time (off-prescription). I need medical clearance for a job role and my doctor wants me to do another thyroid panel before he signs me off. I last took some cynomel a few days ago, how long will it take for my TSH to come up? I know it's longer than a few days because when I tested at <0.01, I had been off of thyroid for about 2 weeks.
@flux In my experience exogenous t4 is non suppressive to TSH and stopping t3 for at least 4 days before a blood test has my TSH normalized at around 2.
@dht thanks, pretty sure it was the t4 that nuked my TSH last time tho, but lots of factors