Thread for influenza / flu protection & recovery studies
Viral infections are rising high right now. maybe combined with bacteria & symptoms higher than usual, and bird infections apparently gaining a lot of momentum
Good to share insights here on what we can use to gain extra protection / recovery.if youre aware of some please add more to this. especially if readily accessible & interventional
(if posting in vitro cell studies they're best to be in physiologically relevant concentrations, which depends on the substance but usually is at nM or low uM/ml concentration, or higher as /L instead if ml is not shown)
- 1 piece is eliminating the virus or lowering replication,
- another piece is blocking viral entry,
- and another piece is preventing extreme immune over-reaction damage to cells / organs
Helpful compounds might be harmful if taken at the wrong stage.
E.g immune cell activating substances at early signs of symptoms or for preventative effect, are probably not good to take when symptoms are in full effect with immune dampening substances needed to keep things from going overboard. live virus can peak early with immune cells / symptoms still active.
Preventative effect -
zinc picolinatethe picolinate has effect too so this form is important , picolinate 20mg/kg mice dose but i.p, oral dose would be a bit higher for this for full effect but these mice were given extreme doses of the virus so probably wouldnt need so much
100% of the mice survived given preventatively, vs 0% without. the viral load was way lower.
theraputic was given 1 day after for 3 days
prophylactic was given 3 days leading into the infection
It had theraputic effect too started later, but mainly protectiveThe drug was cleared faster in the lungs and was detectable at 30 min and 1 and 2 h but not at 6 and 24 h (Figure S6E). However upon 3 repeat doses, PA could be detected even at 24 h posttreatment at a concentration of 100 ng/gm in the lungs, indicating drug accumulation in the lungs
Here in humans,
10mg zinc as picolinate prevented symptomatic covid infection. 2% of the picolinate group got symptoms vs 10% without.
zinc picolinate is ~ 22% zinc so 15mg zinc = 55mg picolinate. both probably played a role combined.- theres a problem with taking this preventatively. zinc is mentally activating and can build up into creating an anxious state. and some people get problems with low copper. i notice an extra anxious state building up when taking zinc for more than a few days. and i dont know about long term safety of picolinic acid. maybe best reserved for specific times.
Symptom resolving effect (later stage of infection)
Ferulic acid is very effective at lowering neutrophils in lungs in viral infections (big part of the damage in covid came from the neutrophil response)
(neutrophils main function is to peak early in infection to kickstart the process & attract other cells, by the time symptoms are noticed theyre probably already peaking or close)
doi: 10.1055/s-2006-958060
^ usual peak is 2 days of neutrophils in mice.
il-8 rises with this then drops off if things are functioning well, they're not supposed to be staying around for a long time. but with people in poor health there can be sustained neutrophil activation.~200mg human equiv dose lowered neutrophils in lungs a lot , and giving it on day 0 the viral count increased only a little. but still probably better holding for a day or 2 of symptoms before using
should be very effective for people hit hard by symptoms / to bring them down quick after allowing them for a couple days
interestingly a derivative also given during first 3 days of infection in a highly lethal dose of virus protected them well, where dexamethasone wasnt enough
Random notes from the other form during the covid times:
Peat on cvd supps:
Q: What would be your go-to medicines/food etc, if you started to develop "Covid" like symptoms like shortness of breath and fever?
RP: Aspirin, antihistamines, and antibiotics (azithromycin has been tested in covid), vitamin D, milk, orange juice,nebulized 4% saline, lidocaine (nebulized or oral), progesterone.
Steady state famotidine concentrations sufficient to elicit H2 antagonism (and inverse agonism) are readily achieved using inexpensive oral tablets and safe dosage levels. As summarized above, the famotidine dosage employed in the retrospective hospital studies currently available which examine famotidine effects on COVID-19 outcomes appears to be levels (20–40 mg daily) which are unlikely to fully inhibit histamine-mediated systemic effects at the H2 receptor (
think this would be a better protocol :
- Aspirin >500mg
- High doses of Vitamins A,D,E,K2
- policosanol or other long chain saturated fatty acids
- An anti-biotic, preferably one of the tetracyclines or azithromycin
- An anti-serotonin chemical like famotidine or cyproheptadine
- a steroid like progesterone, pregnenolone, testosterone,...
Addiotinal options :
- methylene blue
- nigella sativa
- emodin / cascara
- ivermectin
- glycine
- zinc
In this study, they looked at the difference between treating people less or more than 3 days after COVID-19 symptoms started.They treated the people with a combination of
- Aspirin 100mg
- indomethacin 75-100mg
- omeprazole 20mg
- A combination of flavonoids: hesperidin, quercetin and vitamin C
If patients still got worse, they gave them azithromycin, bethametasone and/or heparin.
The duration of the sicknes was reduced and most importantly there were zero percent hospitalizations in the early treatment group, compared with 19% in the other group.
That basically means you could treat covid at home with mostly over the counter medications, but it's important to start treatment early.
I would make some small improvements to the protocol.
I'd favor a higher aspirin dose, meaning >500mg ,maybe even in the grams, it has less effect on blood thinning, but acts more as a metabolical aid and anti-viral. (Aspirin Is Antiviral)If you take higher doses of aspirin, it's smart to supplement vitamin K2 ,which has good binding affinity for the spike protein, so works in your favor as well ( Vitamin K, D and A bind to the SARS‐CoV‐2 spike protein )
I'd also remove omeprazole and replace it with famotidine. There has been evidence for it having an anti-covid effect ,hence why Dr. Robert Malone treated himself with it when he had an early case of covid. Plus there's tons of studies on famotidines pro-metabolic effects.
I've come across a few studies already mentioning azithromycin for covid.
I talked about one of its mechanisms here :
(Coronavirus spike protein creates inflammation via CD147, antibiotics treat)
And they cite another paper on azithromycin for covid:
(Azithromycin: Immunomodulatory and antiviral properties for SARS-CoV-2 infection - PubMed)There's also evidence for Quercetin and vitamin C beeing helpful,so the stack they use is quite decent (Quercetin and Vitamin
An Experimental, Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19) - PubMed)