Sanitizer chemicals in food
All commercially prepared food must be seriously contaminated with sanitizer chemicals.
Factories, food storage facilities, restaurants, and cafeterias all use sanitizer chemicals liberally.
I think this is one of the reasons for the modern chronic disease problem. These chemicals can't be good for us.
Getting your food fresh from local farms is a better way!
at restaurants , they get it all over everything including their hands. ive seen line cooks dip their hands in it and then just use paper towel to dry off (totally idiotic considering the contact time for disinfecting is like 30 seconds minimum) and then go back to handling food directly with hands. all so they don't have to waste time washing hands at the sink with soap and water
to disinfect knives when going from chicken to beef or something like that without having to leave the station to wash the knife properly they'll spray the knife and wipe with a towel.
ive even seen tasting spoons kept in it, pull the spoon out and wipe it with a kitchen rag, use it to taste the sauce, throw it back in the holding solution.
lots of nasty stuff like that goes on in even fine dining
@sushi_is_cringe It's crazy. Hope you like bleach in your bisque!