Fluorescent Light Exposure
Does anyone else feel off when exposed to fluorescent lighting? I have always felt spaced out and uncomfortable under blue-white lighting for as long as I can remember. It almost feels like borderline anxiety sometimes but the negative feelings vanish immediately when I step outside. Incandescent or warm LED lights don't seem to have any ill effects.
If you look at a wavelength chart for fluorescent bulbs it's incredibly peaky compared to sunlight or incandescent. This is probably the reason why they make me feel weird. It's twice as bad when they're on their way out and are subtly strobing. Any suggestions for mitigating these effects? I'm thinking of wearing shades indoors even if it makes me look like a douchebag like the my new haircut dude.
You should take a look at
Also, if you look into blue blocking glasses, see:
Lights that are heavy in blue light also slow down the burning of glucose in the brain. Hello, depression. -
@AinmBeo Thanks for the links! I can't believe I missed that thread on the old rpf. Lots of good related threads on the subject too.
I'll look into some of those shades but I was thinking of just trying normal polarized sunglasses indoors. I don't work under fluorescent lights so my only real exposure is at shops and the gym. I think I'll give it a go and report back.
@Metabolist yes it feels like insta-annoyance being under those lights. sometimes I see new build homes around me and all the lighting is this bright white LED and all the furnishings are grey colours. it's like they are trying to give themselves discomfort by design
I'm kinda with you in shades indoors when going grocery shopping or something (if I go, I usually just get the wage to deliver it) because I don't want niggas eyein' me all the time. I've also considered a balaclava like this. this one is silk
Parkinson's disease and fluorescent light
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31226407/Fluorescent light induces neurodegeneration in the rodent nigrostriatal system but near infrared LED light does not.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28263713/A New Threat to Dopamine Neurons: The Downside of Artificial Light.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32142863/The Effect of Fluorescent Light on Anxiety Patients
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33758720/ -
@sushi_is_cringe I'm with you on modern interior design. Don't forget the obligatory "luxury" vinyl plastic flooring.
I used to do the order online for pickup deal during the covid BS. The shoppers would always pick the worst quality produce though which was frustrating. Why a balaclava? Might as well go full on black ski mask lol
Shades shouldn't be overly conspicuous indoors though I'm sure it will draw some stares. Either they'll think I'm a douche or that I'm tripping. Don't really care either way.
Excellent studies, thank you
@Metabolist lollllll you know what im talking about. that vinyl muted grey/blue flooring so sooooooooo awful. the whole island open-concept kitchen connected to the living room without any walls kitchen trend has gone way too far. I prefer mediterranean style warm hues decoration.
balaclava is nice because when im driving around in open top car its kinda nice not to get so much direct attention on my physical features.
@sushi_is_cringe All too well, you can't escape it no matter where you go. Mediterranean style is hands down the best. Not only are the aestheics top notch but the building materials are far superior to the wood frame and drywall garbage that everything in the US is made from. Barndominiums being the exception.
Lol I'd be embarrassed to drive around with no top wearing a mask. You gotta cruise with confidence. How else will you catch a girl's attention? The bigger issue is what the wind does to your hair style. I always end up looking like I've been electrocuted if I don't wear a hat
At my old work place they had some sort of fluorescent light in the offices. I always felt worse when I was there. Some mornings I was walking to work for half an hour, feeling good, and within 15 minutes or so after I arrived there I would feel stressed. Could have also been wifi radiation to be fair. Or a mixture of both and other factors.
Working in large office complexes with lots of artificial lights, electromagnetic radiation, soulless, ugly, modern equipment, incompetent, uneducated but very self-confident bosses, sitting and staring at a screen all day while doing a job that nobody would notice if it wasn't there is just about the worst thing you can do for you physical and emotional wellbeing.
That's exactly how I feel except the negative effects are felt within 5 minutes. It's been over ten years since I've had daily, prolonged fluorescent light exposure so I no longer have any built up tolerance to it now. I doubt it's wifi as I've never noticed any difference with turning the router off at night or moving it as far away from my computer setup as possible. However, I only have a single router, I'm sure office complexes have many along with boosters.I agree, office work is soul crushing. Working from home is a big step up since you have more control over your environment even if the work lacks real meaning.