Best and fastest way to heal stress fracture/muscle tear in foot
Need instant solutions … it must be in tip top shape for skiing in a week and a half.
At this point I will accept ancient medicinal remedies, pagan incantations, whatever works. Did Peat ever speak of this?
Red light therapy for inflammation and deep impact.
aspirin 500 mg 3x a day for inflammation and blood fluidity to bring the nutrients to the target.
Vitamin k2 for opening the gate to micronutrition (middle-term).
=> Need broccoli for optimized source of calcium (66 % bioavailable).
Liver for vit A & D 2x/wk.
milk 500 ml for Ca and P
Mg & Zn.
The best result would be obtained with organic silicium. I use G5, to consolidate and get it faster. Mind the Kind f silicium.
NB: You'll be deficient in B6 (PLP 100 mg)If you can't wait: I'll use essential oils (get someone to fetch thme in a specialized drugstore or on amazon.
the best one to avoid remaining sequels is helichrissum corsica (Otaly). not cheep. to combine with:
Then lavendula aspic and gaultheria procumbens..
10 drops in a cream. 4-5 times a day. the 2 first times with 2 hour delay.- keep you foot higher than the chair when sat.