Yellow tinted semen causes
@1dot618 I dont think the liver itself is causing the issue because this much liver is a recent addition to my diet. And I had the issue before adding liver in my diet. But the liver might be contributing a little because of the amount of protein and iron.
@White The struck dog barks the loudest! Perhaps instead of spewing baseless insults at me you should take a hard look at how you've allowed lust to consume you.
@NoFapPeating I cannot fathom the levels of masturbation and porn that must've ruined your life to the point that now you're obsessed about other men touching their dicks. Very ghey. You're just exposing yourself as someone who was a hardcore coomer. I bet my fortune you relapse every day.
Stay out of my thread if you don't have anything positive to contribute.
@White I made a positive contribution, but it wasn't what you wanted to hear so you're lashing out in anger and spewing false accusations at me...all because I tried to help you
@White Hyperammonemia was the first thing that came to mind with such a high protein intake. I am guessing that you are trying to gain muscle? I would experiment with replacing some of your protein with carbs and see if it fixes the issue. 1.4:1 carb:protein is high.
From personal experience, Peating puts the protein-sparing effect of carbs into overdrive and I can gain muscle with less protein than I used to need.
@CheesedToPeatYou Yep your assumption is correct, my protein is that high for muscle gain and overall good immune system function. I train both strength training and fighting. Currently my carbs come from white rice, 2 squeezed oranges a day and one or two pieces of fruit. Do you recommend that I replace some of the protein with carbs from fruits and not starch? Or does it not matter?
I'm avoiding dairy because it causes me skin issues, even raw dairy. -
@White I wouldn't recommend a specific Carb:Protein ratio, but I think experimenting with higher carb, lower protein could help solve your problem. Also, with such a high protein consumption and no dairy in your diet it is inevitable that your Calcium:Phosphorus ratio is far out of balance. Adding eggshell calcium, oyster shell calcium, or pearl powder will help you get back to a 1:1 Ca:P ratio and you may see some improvements in your problem from this as well.
@White you weigh 143lb and you are eating 250g protein? That is entirely too much.
@CheesedToPeatYou I do use 5000IU Vitamin D3 + K2 daily and drink lots of Gerolsteiner mineral water which has 350mg calcium per liter so I dont think my calcium is low. I had a blood test in december and it showed on the upper end of the ref. range. Do you think the carbs I consume should be from fruits or rice?
@donovan well I cant up my fats above 85g because I'll just get fat. My carbs are around 320g which I thought is high so I didnt increase them. Only macro left to fill out my calorie needs was protein.
But I guess I'll try raising carbs more and decreasing protein to around 200g.
@White Starch is anabolic, you might try adding as much white rice as you have an appetite for and having the rest as fruit. And you may try putting your diet into Chronometer and checking the Ca:P just to be sure. Getting Ca:P above 1 is really beneficial ime and causes a very noticeable improvement in metabolism and mood.
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@CheesedToPeatYou thank you for the tip. I added my current diet in cronometer and my Ca:P ratio is definitely not 1:1, its more like 1:4 currently. You mentioned shell/pearl powder. How about hard cheese (parmigiano reggiano)? You reckon that is a good calcium source? Hard cheese and butter are the only dairy that dont give me skin issues.
Here is my diet in cronometer:
Aged hard cheese is a great food and does have calcium but you will need to eat a lot of it to correct a ratio of 1:4. You are eating 4 eggs a day, if you were to eat the eggshells from your eggs you would easily correct your ratio.
Eggshells are 38-40% Ca and negligible P, about 1.5 g Ca per shell. Wash your eggshells, microwave to dry and sterilize, then powderize in a blender. (I do it in one big batch every week or so).
@NoFapPeating said in Yellow tinted semen causes:
did you get wuflu in the last 2 years or so, even a mild or "asymptomatic" infection? I think some guys get spike protein shedding in their semen and it can last for some time after, that is my guess because I have seen the same thing in others and the only commonality is they had wuflu and some residual gut and inflammatory issues in various parts of thier body including the testes. i think regularly cooming might actually be helpful in this situation, because you will be encouraging expulsion and refreshing of the fluids consistently. for foods to replenish semen i think natto, pineapple, and oysters are probably the best.