Wilhelm Reich, Vril, Esoteric Peatlerism
The encyclopedia.com entry for Orgone is surprisingly good
Primordial cosmic energy, claimed to have been discovered by Wilhelm Reich between 1936 and 1940. It is believed to be universally present and demonstrable visually (a blueness in the atmosphere), thermically, electrosopically, and by means of a Geiger-Müller counter. It manifest in living organisms as biological energy.
Reich invented what he termed an "orgone energy accumulator," a device to concentrate orgone energy in a box constructed from metallic material and covered by organic material. Reich found a temperature difference between the inside and outside of the accumulator and believed that the accumulated energy had a therapeutic effect on individuals. He performed experiments using the accumulator on cancer patients and reported substantial improvement in the health of patients. He authorized use of the accumulator for "therapeutic" purposes provided it was used in conjunction with "reputable" medical advice. As a result, he was the subject of court action instituted by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. The FDA argued the accumulator had no demonstrable scientific effect on the human body.
As physician and psychotherapist, Reich rejected the charges against him and the accumulator and denied the right of federal inspectors to arbitrate in matters of natural science, an argument not accepted by the court. His attack upon the court's authority caused his imprisonment for contempt of court. The court also ordered the destruction of his apparatus and the burning of his books. He died in prison. Many of his writings have been republished.
Currently, the idea of a static device accumulating some form of energy is being investigated; it has yet to be demonstrated scientifically. In the 1970s and 1980s, some people experimented with pyramid forms in an effort to claim this effect and sharpen old razor blades. Reich also claimed discovery of a motor force in orgone energy comparable with similar claims by John Ernst Worrell Keely and John Murray Spear.
Compared To Other Occult Concepts
Some have noticed the similarity of orgone energy to earlier ideas of "Od" and the occult concepts of vital force. The biological manifestation of orgone energy in humans as described by Reich is comparable to the kundalini energy of Hindu yoga science, but more closely resembles the idea of prana.An account of the construction of an orgone accumulator was given in Vol. 2 of The Discovery of the Orgone by Wilhelm Reich or the booklet The Orgone Energy Accumulator. Observations on orgone energy were published in the journal Orgonomic Functionalism edited by Paul and Jean Ritter, published between 1954 and 1963 from Nottingham, England, and in Energy and Character; the Journal of Bioenergetic Research published from 1970 onwards by David Boadella (an associate of Paul Ritter) from Abbotsbury, Dorset, England. In June 1955, the official American Association for Medical Orgonomy began publishing Orgonomic Medicine (c/o Orgonomic Publications Inc., 515 E. 88 St., New York, N.Y. 10028).
I have some more information on that Journal and may be able to access a copy of it soon. If anyone else can access the Journal of Bioenergetic Research please do let me know.
Reich is the real deal. I have a bunch of pdfs of plans for orgone accumulators. including the handbook mentioned by @brad. I can post here if ppl are interested.
I've seen a bunch of vids of people using tower busters to preserve food etc.
i personally put them next to couch, desk, bed at home
“The soul of man, with all the streams of pure living water, seems to dwell in the fascia of his body.” - Dr. Andrew Taylor Still
The alignment of the fascia is key for purposes of communication between physical body and beyond, and it is the prime circuit used in certain practices of transcendence. It acts as a resonator to transmit and receive electro-magnetic signals.
(They’re doing this to me tomorrow)
@jens I have tested my shungite with an e-meter and it does seem to reduce localalized EMF acutely. However, the effect drops off within a small radius. I have to be holding the meter directly on or just over the shungite, and place the shungite directly in the path from the source to the meter.
@paul-atreides Post them!
@sladerunner69 That is very interesting, did you go out of your way to source very expensive "verified" shungite or are you using something basic?
@skylark How are you aligning your fascia? massage? yoga? Acupuncture? Peat has said good things about acupuncture.
This post is deleted! -
@skylark sorry I’m in the wrong thred
Check out my good friend Ngolo Tesla on twitter, and his website
It does
@Sugar I made some orgonite recently, but i screwed it up somehow, probably didn't stir the epoxy enough, it ended up being a gluey mess. I wanted to test it anyways. I put a banana piece on it, and another piece away from it. The banana on the orgonite is rotting faster than the other banana. Maybe it's generating evil orgone
I have read of people resetting bad vibes orgonite by leaving in the sun, maybe i try that. Or maybe i start over and make a nicer one.
@boats Evil orgone might make you racist, beware.
@PissBoy womp womp
"Orgonomy has contributed some major insights into this riddle by disclosing the transitions from reasoning to emotions, from emotions to instincts, from instincts to bio-energetic functions, and from bio-energetic functions to physical orgone energy functions."
Just found this quote reading Ether, God and Devil : Cosmis Superimposition by Reich. Felt very peaty, similar to what you were saying @jens great read, would recommend thus far.
https://archive.org/details/ether_god_and_devil-cosmic_superimposition/page/n21/mode/1up -
Robert Sepehr has a lot of videos discussing orgone energy, vril, chi, etc in depth if anyone is looking to learn more, it comes up a lot in his work. Also the Kate Bush song Cloudbusting is about Wilhelm Reich if anyone is familiar with it lol. He's a very interesting and underdiscussed figure
@greg great song brother, hadn't made that connection before very cool.
@jens Just Shungite I purchased off Amazon. It was not verified by any governing body or organization (to my knowledge).
@sladerunner69 I want this to be true. I find I can trick myself into thinking the shungite is being effective based on weird anomalies with the reader, depending on how I'm holding it, like my field or body is interrupting the reading, not the shungite. But if I place the piece of shungite on a table and set the reader down, there is zero effect. I'm using a trifield and have used multiple pieces of shungite, including some coming directly from a main source in russia. I had a friend who sold shungite and discovered this independently, and then stopped selling it.
Either way, your results got me questioning myself enough that I'm going to try again. This was a while ago.
funniest reich story: he gave a copy of his new book, The function of the Orgasm to his mentor freud, who only had this to say: "that thick, huh"