Dismantling Charlie's words and deeds on the "raypeat "forum and here
When a peathead hits you with that Vitamin A stare.
Ray’s work attracts a lot of sick people, unsurprisingly. It was just unfortunate that one of them instated themselves as “The Law” over the community for so long lmao. Best not looking back now…
Same @Regina?
Big time betrayal. Wish there was a legal remedy to get Ray Peat's name off of it.
@C-Mex there will be
@C-Mex surely there’s a case for Ray’s next-of-kin, Charlie is clearly profiting off of Ray’s reputation - and there’s written evidence of Ray’s disapproval
B brad moved this topic from Bioenergetics Discussion on
it seems like charlie is trying to sellout for a potential supplement before he is finally done with this forum. Just look at the forum page with yellow banners, trying desperately to prove something about his toxin diet.
@mostlylurking as well, welcome!
A case could probably be made to ICANN right now but there'd be lawyers and cost. Probably no need though. This forum could displace it in search results quite easily.
How many testimonials of people feeling great after a year of veganism ? year of carnivor ? year of 0 carbs ? year of fasting ?
@ThinPicking Thanks! I'm so glad to be here!!
His religious convictions obviously enable him to believe all sorts of other insane things (Qanon, moronic political stuff, fad health ideas) and behave reprehensibly without ever admitting he's wrong or even pausing for self reflection. He's been called out for making money off Ray's name while disrespecting him time and time again, particularly by other christians. As a legit fundamentalist he doesn't care though.
It's no coincidence a lot of the 'vitamin is poison' crowd are fundy christians. They've simply transferred their religious desire to purge 'evil' onto a new health fad that revolves around avoiding/ridding themselves of anything they label toxic. It's all satan to them. It's OCD dieting driven by religious fanaticism.
If he a shred of decency or humility he'd change the name of the forum, he's had years to do it. But he obviously just sees Ray's name and the postings of other people there as a potential commodity to be exploited. It was so telling when he welcomed Mercola into his forum, the amateur conman wanted to learn from the profession conman.
@Regina I liked your reading your posts, hope you hang around here too!
Observe the way he is using literraly anything that is happening that and that Ray and Georgi were aware for decades to push his own theory. "oh Georgi just discovered B thing is that a coincidence ?" while Georgi was already posting about B3 and B1 being highly cancer killer.
@Hando-Jin Yep, can't agree more.
He also seems unable to grasp Ray's holistic/context-dependent scientific method...
Probably Charlie can only perceive reality as a black/white reductionistic dichotomy. -
These are strange times. And this person has no idea he's on the wrong side of them. To be continued...
I do not feel any anger towards Charlie. It is just sad that people favour profit over truth and justice. I also think we owe Brad a thanks for creating this forum.
@Harlock He's getting more delusional by the day. Wtf even is the "low vitamin A low toxin movement"? A few people on twitter that have been conned by GS? I'm looking forward to the end of this saga because it can't possibly end well.
@sphenoid Maybe he is thinking, that he's leading a holly crusade against VA... and he will save the whole of humanity and become a hero for eternity
Or it's all about money...
Or just a bunch of morons, who can't grasp anything beyond reductionistic scapegoating on VA...