for gut issues-
-Really simply diet maybe. OJ and milk being the most simple
-Pregnenolone in a decent dose, 300mg once a week or more. It's known to really help with the gut
-regular gelatin use
-antibiotics and the carrot salad
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
for gut issues-
-Really simply diet maybe. OJ and milk being the most simple
-Pregnenolone in a decent dose, 300mg once a week or more. It's known to really help with the gut
-regular gelatin use
-antibiotics and the carrot salad
@alfredoolivas said in Pro Metabolic Substances Tier List:
@Hando-Jin thanks for sharing.
Thyroid doesn’t stimulate appetite for me and it might even lower appetite for me, if anything. But not significantly. I already am taking 50mg of exemestane a day, I like it.
Thyroid increases GLP-1, which is why maybe it lowers appetite.
I've also found gelatin to be a really good suppresser of hunger cravings.
@alfredoolivas in my experience if thyroid is not curbing appetite (it should) then it's not working as well as it could. I think estrogen can be one of the great interferers and it's worth experimenting with the various estrogen antagonists or getting the type of tests done that idealabs offer, which might help shed light on things
@wester130 I don't know. You asked for things that lower cortisol, and all of those things do. You won't know without experimentation, I guess.
@risingfire said in what is causing body hair/nose hair and ear hair if not androgens?:
@wester130 cortisol
idea labs cortiNon
@Corngold said in Alcohol's DARK SECRET: questioning the timing of the latest warnings:
@DavidPS the Longevity Project book mentions studies that found high fat (including mufa/pufa), sodium, and alcohol did not have negative effects on people in areas with high social trust and community. Blue zones essentially. I'm thinking current attitudes towards alcohol are very negative and painful, not like those 50+ years ago or in these tight knit areas.
Alcohol in degenerate affluent countries is probably very bad quality, as quantity is seen as the more important factor. There must be something very wrong with cheap tequila that gives you a hangover when more expensive stuff won't.
I imagine the red wine the Sardinian Blue Zoners were drinking everyday was ten times better than the swill most people drink.
The Blue Zone thing is interesting to me, not because of the alleged centenarians but the mass fraud of the media
BBC 2008:
In stark contrast to Okinawans, the residents of Ovodda don't count calories and meat is very firmly on the menu, while tofu and soya are not.
BBC 2020:
Like the food in Okinawa and Sardinia, the diet in Ikaria is notably low in meat and high in fresh fruit and vegetables. “They don’t even eat as much fish as you might expect for people living on an island,” says Chrysohoou.
"Ray Peat: I've been thinking that with a concentrated glucose solution, you could probably activate hair growth just by keeping your scalp moistened with glucose."
@S-Holmes said in What do you guys think of Trump now that he won:
elite, satanic, spirit cooking, adrenochrome harvesting, child abusers that DJT has vowed to destroy
Trumpism is just rebranded Q shit.
Real issues aren't as exciting I guess.