The strong need for bioenergetic forum.
While many are caught up on haidut being banned by Charlie and Charlie pushing a new low vitamin A diet, many have completely no memory of just how censored the RPF was. I would assume that many of those who asked the controversial questions and gave the controversial answers were banned, removed from the site without warning. The large appeal of peat twitter alongside the rise of anon anime profile pic posters was that people could say whatever they wanted and ask controversial questions, modern day philosophers in a way. Peating was expanded to health experimentation and a deep philosophical largely right wing dive into the hormonal and mental state of the dysfunctional majority. This forum in many ways embodies the energy of Peat Twitter and serves as a forum where people can ask health questions, some leaning controversial, and not get lost in the abyss of X. What I like about this forum is that it's more open to controversial discussion and let's the users decide which direction the forum and in some ways peating, heads in. The RPF tried hard at changing the direction of the site and trample discourse which led to its inevitable downfall.
This should have been posted in Meta, and not The Junkyard.