Is Sam Sulek ugly gymcel cope being passed off as "based and sigma"?
How are you going to stop a non-white person from drinking 2 quarts of milk and 1 quart of oj a day?
I agree with your analysis of gym culture. Steroid use and health and lifespan are mutually exclusively. You’re burning the candle faster at the end to look a certain way.
To me, the most aesthetically pleasing body is one that is capable of doing the most fundamental human movements incredibly well, which are standing, walking, running, throwing, and using tools. These are the traits which evolution designed our bodies for, and so it is most rational for optimal health and function to train in relation to these things. Anything else is not in line with optimal health and well-being. Bodybuilders don’t live a long time because the lifestyle is not conducive to good health.
@Runenight201 harsh punishments.
@Aryan_Racist Sub-optimal question and idea,
"Peating" is for everyone, even people who you don't like and who stress you out because of their skin color
@Truth stress from being around browns blacks and jews is definitely not peaty
@Aryan_Racist it's not, yet the optimal action in this case is not to idealize "white" skin color and disdain other skin colors, we were all babies at some point, we can have and/or tend to a high degree of energy, well being, positive impact on others regardless of our skin color
What type of harsh punishments?
would stress u out? nigga u GAY as fuck
@Love_The_Blacks lmao I was being hyperbolic, if they looked hot and behaved normally, then obviously they wouldn't (if they don't smell like nigger at least) but loud ratchety sheboons would stress me out even if they looked good.
@Runenight201 Forced SolBrah anal massages against their will
@Aryan_Racist I don't think ur being hyperbolic I bet you use copes like "smells like nigger" as an excuse cuz in reality ur scared of women and it's easier to larp as a racist than to accept you're simply BITCH MADE