Anyone struggle with B1 supplementation and gut irritation?
I started taking small amounts of thiamine HCL orally, and I seem to develop shallow breathing from taking it. I take this as intestinal irritation from the B1.
Anyone else having a hard time tolerating B1?
Thank you!
@tea possibly increased stomach acid(not sure if this would lead to shallow breathing)? In which case take eggshells before or after.
@saturnmissiles Eggshells because of the calcium or something else?
@tea Does your pulse change?
@LinDaiyu I have to check some of the biometrics when this happens, you're right.
Last time I had shallow breathing from taking too much aspirin my SPO2 went down by a lot (down to 92% or so), and exhaled carbon dioxide was also excessive.
I'll check next time.
@tea I had and now I don't anymore. What i suspect most likely to be the difference? At least some b vitamins alongside, potassium and small amount of magnesium.
Also rowachol, Apple cider vinegar and tudca for digestion and liver support i suspect to be beneficial.
@tea yes for the calcium (I usually take some 20-30min after B1 HCL just because it’s a good time to let stomach acid deal with it).
I do find taking potassium bicarb w/ baking soda has helped a lot with higher dose thiamine (also took doing it for at least a couple days before i noticed a big difference)