I was given HgH for years as a teen
I was injected with it like a chicken from around the ages of 12 to 14 IIRC on a fat goblin-looking jewish doctor's prescription because my parents thought I wouldn't grow much and they didn't want me to get fat from "overeating". I'm still pretty short overall so I'm not even sure if it helped.
I remember a lot of my problems started at around that age when I started taking them, I developed terrible anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and to this day I get fatigued very easily, I even started norwooding at the age of 17 but thankfully it hasn't progressed much now that I'm on my 20s and peating. Some of the problems I've mentioned have been fixed to a certain by peating, specially the insomnia and anxiety.
I read Peat's article where he called it the death hormone, and I've also read that HgH can thicken the intestinal walls, thus making it more energy-demanding and impinging directly on your intelligence.
Has anyone here looked into it? How fucked am I? Can the damage be reversed?
a little help pls :DDD
hey man the same thing happened to me. i was short for my age, probably because i was raised on soy milk (they thought i was lactose intolerant because i had migraines). so they put me on growth hormone from 12-14. i have had all the same symptoms as you, it completely changed my personality and i became an extremely anxious introvert retard for about 8 years. because of that i got put on an ssri. so it ruined my late teens and most of my twenties and it would have ruined my life if hadn't found out about ray peat.
my understanding is that taking growth hormone is pretty similar to taking estrogen or being on birth control, since estrogen increases it. it is a pituatarity hormone so it is stress central.
one thing i wish i had known is that growth hormone is very intertwined with blood sugar and it is known to promote diabetes. chronic administration of large doses of growth hormone can induce exhaustion of the insulin producing beta cells in your pancreas. i was diagnosed type 1 diabetic a few months ago (at age 29) and believe the growth hormone contributed. but i had a decade of chronic high stress, and my diet was basically what you would feed someone if you were trying to give them diabetes. so i know it wasnt only the growth hormone that caused it. women who take birth control are also at a higher risk for diabetes.
we definitely got fucked, but if it hadn't been the growth hormone it probably would have been something else. society is designed to destroy your health and there are many other ways that could happen. i told danny roddy about my growth hormone experience and he said, "at least you didnt get your penis chopped off".
how old are you? have you had any labs done? what symptoms are you currently trying to fix?
I'm 24. I did a bunch if tests all throughout last year and because of my experiments from ND Thyroid and 10mg DHEA my TsH fluctuated all the way from 0.90 to 2.92. My last one came out on December at 2.4 but I've been eating a lot more protein (120 to 130 compared to the 80 to 90 grams I was eating last year) since.
I'd say my biggest problem is that I can't concentrate, and I have no libido, though I imagine this happens because I'm no longer overproducing estrogen. The only thing I can think could help me at this point is ordering some lindy lisuride from the bulgarian chemicals man, which is currently on it's way through the mail.
@Hugh nice. For me the breakthrough with concentration was making sure my blood sugar was steady by getting enough carbs. How many carbs are you eating? I am for 2-3x carbs to protein ratio. Ray said he needed a pint of orange juice per egg to keep his blood sugar up. Have you tried progesterone? That has fixed my libido. Do you have any hypothyroid symptoms? Have you tried thyroid?
@coconut I eat the appropriate amount of carbs per protein. I'm going to order some red lights next month on the 630 and 840 nm scale and use them on my gut to see if that helps.
I'm also gonna try the progesterone. Any good brands you could recommend me?
@coconut I'm torn between progest-e and buigarian prog. I'm not sure about topicals so I'll get the former. How many mgs of prog did you take and for how long?
@coconut I'm gonna start taking 15 to 20 grams glutamine everyday to see if it helps. Have you tried it?
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