Thanks to the both of you @Peatful & @Norwegian-Mugabe

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RE: Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
RE: Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
@Evolutionarily I am glad to hear that general bioenergetic advice appears to also apply when it comes to pregnancy, and I am especially glad that it has led you to a healthy child, thanks a lot.
RE: Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
@Shar_to_the_dae One of the things that inspired me to make this thread was actually a tweet by [at]BradCohn, regarding his sick wife. It was not morning sickness, but cramps and a headache, but I hope you find something that helps you whenever you get pregnant again.
RE: Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
@Norwegian-Mugabe Thank you for your input and the clip. I am glad to also see things a man can do other than help his wife, although that is important. But I have to ask what testosterone does in this case, does it help with having large / healthy children or is it just to conceive? I am also not very aware of the bioenergetic attitude to testosterone, do you recommend testosterone replacement therapy or natural ways if it is below 800?
RE: Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
@Peatful Thank you for taking time off work to answer. May I say that I appreciate your advice a lot, especially that your advice can be followed by anybody without a dozen meetings with doctors. If you see this, can I ask how you dealt with the limited amount of time and sleep that people have when their kids are very young? Most of the things I do to relax and keep stress low involve situations where I am unbothered for multiple hours, such as painting, crochet, playing games or watching movies. I suppose taking a walk with a stroller is one thing to do with a child, but I can’t imagine much else.
I am also glad you overcame the unsuccessful pregnancies, it is a tragic thing that is all too common.
RE: Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
@Atman First of all I must apologize to you, as I am probably one of the most penis- and balding-obsessed people on the planet.
However, in regards to progesterone supplementation during pregnancy, I have also read some tweets. (Including these by [at]BradCohn & pikeypilled)
Both are based on Katharina Dalton’s work, I believe Peat quite liked her work, he and Peaters in general seem to bring her up a lot.In Dalton’s article “Ante-natal Progesterone and Intelligence”, it was actually the early motor skills that stood out to me, the progesterone children started walking quite early. Compared to the control group, they were almost twice as likely to have started walking at their first birthday. In regards to the IQ several standard deviations above the average I am somewhat skeptical, at least when it comes to how that holds up in adulthood, but it seems positive.
Other than that I wish you and your wife well, I hope you have a beautiful family with as many healthy children as you want.
Bioenergetic Guide to Pregnancy?
What are things pregnant women should be especially attentive of? I am hoping this could be a kind of ultimate thread to discuss what could be beneficial around the time of pregnancy. I have some examples of what the questions could be.
Pre-pregnancy: What to do when having trouble conceiving? Optimal life-style for a couple (to produce the healthiest child)? (Also, does this even matter?) Are prenatal vitamins good?
During pregnancy: How to deal with morning sickness? Dealing with cravings? (Should you simply indulge, or are there specific foods only that you should eat in excess?)
Post-pregnancy: Postpartum depression? Dealing with skin damage? (Loose skin or stretch marks)
In regards to the two last ones, I actually have some ideas of remedies which I have heard worked. I remember a woman on Twitter struggling with low libido after multiple births, but upon taking progesterone, like what is sold by Ray Peat’s wife (I think it was a different brand though), she started using the half-conscious morning wood of her husband because he had started saying he couldn’t keep up.
As for skin damage, I believe the function of pregnenolone is in part to help with this, so perhaps supplementing at some point is a good idea. I also remember Ray Peat advising a woman who was quite unhappy with her stretch marks, I believe he simply recommended oysters and eggs (both copper sources). I think dinner dates at restaurants where oysters are served would be quite beneficial, as the woman might regain confidence in her looks on these dates from dressing up (mentally) and eating the oysters (physically). This may be hard to arrange during the early months of raising a child, but after it should be possible to do every other week or so.
These questions are just suggestions, I would like to hear any experiences that you, your wives, mothers or similar have had, as long as you think it could help others.