@LucH Thank you very much
I will summarize in case I have missed something. I am absolutely new here. I haven't got much time to get all the knowledge i wanted to. I thought I have time to learn and then try to repair my thyroid and bile. But with this diagnose I am terrified and I should quickly prepare a plan as the chemo starts in 7 days.
(one more question - I received an advice from friend to start taking thyroid hormone T3 and T4. Should I or the selenium and iodine are ok?)
The plan:
- Star taking mariendistel desmodium, sillymarin and artischoke - every day (except the chemo day - after chemo with shake)
- buy some kind of selenium and take it like that - 100 mcg 2x /day at the very beginning and 2-3 days after chemo. 100 mcg the other days
- Iodine - sorry but I couldn't get what kind should I take - kelp or just iodine, or both
I start with 150 mcg caps (1 per day) 3/4 days minimum, then a few days with 300mcg and after that?
and stop it 48 hours before chemo - daily take betaine HCL+ pepsin