Recent Thyroid numbers
TSH: 4.280 uIU/mL
FT4: 1.54 ng/DL
FT3: 4.3 pg/mL
Reverse T3: 19.6 ng/DL
RP mentions that optimal Thyroid TSH should be <1 and I've never been close to that. In terms of hypo symptoms, I've had instances where I've been cold, unable to be resolved by just putting on a blanket or something, it's internal. Also, have fatigue, insomnia, and my morning temperature is around 97.4-97.6 after ten minutes and this is when I feel the most hypo. Temperature rises to 98 then 98.6-98.7 later in the day after getting an ample amount of sugar in my system.
Despite the relatively high TSH my metabolism seems to be alright. I eat 2800-3700 calories a day depending on how active I am and don't gain weight unless I physically force myself to eat more. My diet is around 60% carbs, mostly fruit juices such as orange juice with some starch like rice although I'm trying to cut that out. PUFA from sources such as seed oils has been completely eliminated from my diet besides when I occasionally go out. Otherwise, I only get it from eggs, beef, milk, etc. RP mentions that a metabolism can still run despite thyroid dysfunction with a large amount of carbs to compensate for the lack of thyroid hormone, once fixed, the need for more carbs goes away.
My question is, is there any more RP health advice I should incorporate before seeking NDT or some prescription thyroid medication?