@Furball said in Lumbar stenosis/sciatica, herniated disc, nerve pain:

I have a friend with a herniated disc and lumbar stenosis/sciatica pain. I'm wondering if there is any particular advice on how to reliably reduce the inflammation, in case the proposed allopathic/surgical solutions do not work. She has a 9mm herniated disc. Extremely debilitating pain and she often falls when walking due to the muscle weakness it causes. It has impacted her posture and she has a crooked stance. Does anyone have personal experiences, or does anyone have advice on topical solutions or supplements that could help? I'm desperate because she is in a lot of pain.

She takes Progest-E, T3, epsom salt baths. What else could help other than basic supplementation and avoiding inflammatory foods? oral lidocaine, or something like that?

Here's a video for your consideration: Bizarre Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Deficiency That You've Never Heard Before

Thiamine is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. But it's the connection with the nervous system and nerve function that I think might be of primary interest here.