An update on this: After supplementing thyroid for a little over a month now, this issue has been resolved!

Posts made by nygerai
RE: I don't like eating
RE: I don't like eating
@Peatly Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try to get more zinc in. Unfortunately, oysters and other shellfish are practically impossible to find where I live... I'll stick to cooked mushrooms
RE: I don't like eating
@skylark Yes, my pulse is usually pretty low - 70 bpm. On average, my temperature is 36.7, definitely not ideal either... I used to have a way more prevalent SIBO problem, but it's getting better now. Supplementing with thyroid is not an option for me, at least for a while. As for whether I enjoy daily life or not, that is a very difficult question to answer... To try and sum it up as much as possible, I'd say I enjoy about 8-14 days out of a month.
RE: I don't like eating
@skylark If by later in the day you mean in the evening in specific, then no. Usually after my first meal of the day, whatever that might be, i don't feel hungry until the next morning. And that's if I let myself not eat anything after that meal. If I happen to eat in the evening, I won't feel hungry until maybe noon the next day. If I force myself to eat something, I feel overly full and nauseous, and just the thought of eating before I even begin makes me feel sick.
RE: I don't like eating
@skylark Yes, I knew of this quote even before I wrote my post... I am very aware that my lack of appetite is not a good thing. I am even aware that it's likely due to hypothyroidism and b1 or retinol deificiency. I am trying to implement both of these to my diet, but it's really hard to when I feel full for the rest of the day after a 400 calorie breakfast. Making myself eat when I don't want to makes me seriously nauseous. I'd like some advice for this
I don't like eating
I don't really enjoy eating anything. The act of it and the way I feel after in specific. Often times it makes me feel nauseous, no matter what it is that i'm eating. I prefer drinking. Eating ice cream is fine by me as well, but there's not a single good brand of ice cream sold where I live. I drink a lot of orange juice, milk, coffee and broth to get my intake up, but often times it's not enough with the way i'm eating, which is little. I already add sugar and honey to everything i've mentioned before except broth. Sometimes i'll make a "milkshake" which contains one or two eggs, a few small pieces of beef liver, milk, honey or sugar and some kind of frozen fruit/berries or cacao powder. A way to increase calorie intake while still keeping actual food to a minimum would be great, but i'd be willing to try out anything that would make eating more appealing too.