@RPadmirateur said in How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?:

@yerrag I am thinking I need to try cyproheptadine, for its anti-serotonin effects. Yes, serotonin is deactivated in the lungs. Was cyproheptadine part of your healing regime? In a nutshell, how did you heal your lungs?

I had to use nebulization using a combination of cortisone and salbutamol, as well as oral NAC, the kind that fizzles and tastes sweet that is branded (as the unbranded generic one will work but tastes nasty). But this is following my pulmologist, who also gave me some antibiotics such as Clarithromycin for good measure, just in case there was an infection building up.

But I also relied a lot on aromatherapy, where I used essential oils blended into a suppository I made. It involves first using a blend that was both mucolytic and acts as an expectorant. Then followed days later by a blend that was antimicrobial, as removing the phlegm was necessary to make the antimicrobial treatment more effective (lust like taking biofilm busters would make antibiotics more effective). The third blend that was the last, involved healing or restoring the liver, which may have been negatively impacted by the use of essential oils on it. The suppository method works well because it bypaases the liver first pass of detoxing which would lessen the potency of the substances used. Using herbs, where the essential oils come from, also provide multiple pathways of action, unlike pharma's approach of relying on one substance to act. The redundancy makes aromatherapy less subject to treatment failure and side effects.