it works exceptionally well for studying and retention, it is essentially all i utilize as a full-time engineering student to ensure my time spent studying is productive.

i will drink coffee throughout the morning / early afternoon then i will use 50mg allithiamine when its time to start reading. if im still going after several hours i will take another dose.

i find it is important to have a steady supply of glucose during this block, i don't like snacking / grazing so what i will do is increase the frequency of my meals during this block, and maybe within this block a couple times i will have servings of fresh fruit. i believe it is essential to feed the b1 with adequate carbohydrates. my meals during this block are simply jasmine rice and lean meat cooked in coconut oil, fruits will either be citrus fruits or berries.

during this block i might eat a meal as frequently as once every hour or 1.5 hours just to ensure i have steady glucose. i will also use red light during this block as well for brief periods.

it is better than just coffee + sugar, absolutely. i can also attest to the fact that during this block and whenever i utilize this strategy, my gastric emptying rate is noticeably faster, which is another reason i suspect the b1 helps with cognition. the digestive benefits are not to be overlooked.

remember, you want to "feed" the b1 with proper carbohydrates, keep that in mind. don't do what people often do while studying and go in a stressed state neglecting eating, the improved retention from b1 will make up for the time spent eating or taking care of yourself. its the quality vs quantity that matters.

you don't need to go super high dose with allithiamine, i notice an improvement that lasts a few hours with just 50mg.