What's with the peater 🤝🏻 tranny urge to take progesterone?
@CO3 You act like they couldn't just order progesterone online, especially if other people in the community talk about it in a safe and positive manner that shows its synergistic with estrogen and won't cause them harm?
@Sugar Why don't you work things out amongst yourselves? No need to involve me unless there are violent threats.
@Sugar I think you’re correct. I think the “meathead” stereotype of roiders is real and due to absence of precursor hormones like preg, prog. If you’ve ever been around an older guy before / after TRT you can clearly see that they improve in some ways and degenerate further in other ways. (Memory in particular)
I think women on Test-only “HRT” probably do become extremely retarded and aggressive. Aggression in steroid users is from high e2 conversion. The steroid ester and carrier oil also effects this and I know that for “ftm” “hrt” they usually give extremely long esters like undecanoate which almost completely convert to estrogen between doses especially absent natural anti estrogens like prog, preg, and it’s usually suspended in PUFA.
Trannyism is so obviously unhealthy and physically degenerative if you actually know anything about hormones beyond the retard dichotomy of “muh testosterone male muh estrogen female!”
@brad It's fine, these porn addicts tend to get a little hysterical. It'll blow over
@saturnuscv Yeah he's wrong like always. Troons in America talk about how blissful progesterone is (the real stuff) all of the time. I think it's just him coping about slowly turning into a woman with an off label hormonal supplement.
- admitted porn addiction
- gay porn pictures on the profile
- calling people 'toxic' and begging the admin to help you
You need Progest-E more than anyone I've ever met!!!
@CO3 I'm already taking some for anti aging/prettyboymaxxing purposes. Mmmmm progesterone.
@Sugar in my experience, pregnenolone makes me “prettier” than progesterone. I don’t know why it is. It may just be the carrier vitamin E, but progesterone makes my face puffy especially around my eye area while pregnenolone leans out my face.
On top of that, progesterone definitely makes me hypogonadal over time with daily use while pregnenolone makes me more androgenic and gives me more energy.
@saturnuscv I'd love to try pregnenolone alone, I've only tried the pansterone pregnenlone dhea mix and I don't handle DHEA very well at all. I'v÷ tried DHEA alone in 5mg-10mg doses and it gives me cystic acne, especially if I overdo it. I remember being incredibly horny but getting hormonal acne that I'd assume was caused by an increase of estrogen from the DHEA.
I think the vast majority of the transgender community still fall under the estrogen dogma. When I'm on twitter most of the trans women I see talk about estrogen, with a slight minority of them mentioning P4. But I do think the progesterone therapy is at least partially responsible for their regressive age look. If you see before/after photos of transgender women, they don't just look more feminine to me, they look younger too. Which I guess shouldn't surprise any of us, since we've been under the suspicion for quite some time now that progesterone (and DHEA) are the youth steroids.
@Sugar i seem to shed a little when I add DHEA though it does make me feel more dominant socially. Not just you. Pregnenolone by itself has basically no side effects and just makes me feel “better.”
@saturnuscv I think DHEA is nefarious if you're a young healthy male with good balanced hormones. Progesterone is a bit suppressive but I'm testing out it's topical local application for getting rid of acne scars, anti aging, and becoming more pretty.