Why are black people so fat? (ZOG stole Mulattas from me)
Is this due primarily to their diet (being very low inhibition and low IQ obviously, so eating "what feel gud" instead of sticking to a diet)
Or is it that their bodies can't handle certain foods? I like the way mulatta women look when they're fit and I feel that ZOG has stolen them from me.
I guess we can discuss the mayans as well, but no one really cares since they're ugly whether they're skinny or fat (sorry indigenous LatAm bros, u guys are nice but no one is interested in Guatemalan sex tourism, let's be honest.)
B brad moved this topic from Bioenergetics Discussion on
TL;DR- West African genes, food culture influence from Scots-Irish, "fat advocates", crime, Black educators failing Black students
West Africans have a higher proportion of Type II muscle fibers and some other things. This has a number of effects on their rates of various diseases and how they relate to toxic urban environments.
Black American food culture and physical culture is very influenced by urbanization and varied greatly between Southern and Northern Blacks. Northern Blacks were very influenced by Northern Whites in how they ate. Southern Blacks were very influenced by Southern Whites in how they ate.
Southern Blacks and the Southern Whites have significantly poorer diets than most other populations in the US as a result of their dietary choices- it's not racial, it's a long-standing cultural practice of not really caring about what you eat or what you feed your children.
During and after WW2, the cultural distinctions between Northern and Southern Blacks blurred under a wave of Southern Black migration to Northern areas. The result is that the more numerous Southern Black culture has, for the most part, displaced Northern Black cultures with expected negative effects on crime, food behaviors, educational attainment, etc.
Another major issue is that there is a concerted effort by "fat advocates" and the like to justify Black women's very high rate of obesity. You'll hear it regularly that "fatphobia" is a result of racism and being against obesity means being against Black people. It's a classic left-wing low-standards racism and it's something I heard all the time in college and now after college.
This low-standards racism also extends to Black crime and we see regularly that grocery stores and the like close down in these areas or at the very least they stop carrying meat, milk, produce, etc- these fresh, nutritious goods aren't profitable.
It shows up again with education of young Black children, which is actively hindered by school administrators in many majority-Black or majority-minority school districts(admin who are btw 99.9/100 times a Black or Hispanic person). You cannot expect people to read food labels or count calories if their principals, super intendents and curriculum planners actively keep children from learning how to read or do math.
You also have to think about "who is feeding people?" Children are fed by their parents and in the Black community that's often just the mother. The result is that there's only one person who could make good nutrition decisions and if they don't do that, then there's no one to pick up the bill- so to speak.
The average Black and White diet in the US isn't really that different. However, the big disparities come at the extremes, where even small shifts can mean massive proportional changes. The amount of Black people eating really good diets compared to Whites is several times lower whilst the amount eating really poor diets is several times higher.
majority come from single parent household i.e.they're broke and end up eating cheap zogslop
Maybe African Americans, Ive seen most mainland to be thin and ripped
This post is deleted! -
Full article free on the internet - find and read
"Measures of body composition in blacks and whites: a comparative review"
@Peatly We are not gonna read about niggers. We simply let them work at the plantation.
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Why are black people so fat? (ZOG stole Mulattas from me):
@Peatly We are not gonna read about niggers. We simply let them work at the plantation.
You are just showing yourself up.
Do you like war Mr Norwegian? Because any and all forms of idiocy are forming part of the preconditions for it. Norway will be rolled over in about 5 minutes for its oil reserve and landing points, while almost no one in England or Scotland bats an eyelid. We'll be too busy seeing the wood for the trees and responding accordingly.
In your current configuration, you'll stick out like a sore thumb no matter how much arse you try and kiss. And then it will be over. Think about it if you're able.
@ThinPicking Lol, Norway is doing fine in modernity while Britain is bankrupt and dysgenic. Enjoy living on less than 100K a year and having to think about safety in your daily life. I took my MSc at a top English Uni and there are barely any attractive people on the entire island. Britain is just a dysgenic economic zone, where jews loot the inbreeds islanders. Norway on the other hand is still creating the most beautiful and strong people in the world. Moreover, we will always have a beautiful nature, something britsh niglets will never inherit.
It's quite obvious to all but the brainless that none of that is true Mr Norwegian. I could trade facts for your factoids at length but your conduct will do.
Please do cry harder though.