Best magnesium supplement?
whats the best way to supplement magnesium? I bought some magnesium bisglycinate powder but the taste is so disgusting I cant stand it
Is magnesium carbonate more tolerable as a pure powder?
or is there a magnesium formulation you guys recommend? -
Magnesium Hydroxide can be mixed with carbonated water to create a potent Mg Bicarbonate tonic.
@ah Gloryfeel's biglyscinate Mg pills are working good for me. From all the forms of magnesium i tried biglyscinate is the most effective for me
@ah Powder is best, but if you prefer capsules, note that they often have deceptive labeling. A magnesium glycinate supplement might say "400 mg magnesium" when it actually contains 400 mg magnesium glycinate, which is less than 25% elemental magnesium. Powder is just a lot easier to accurately dose. Try both putting it directly into your mouth and mixing it in a drink before you give up on it.
@ah What do we think about Magnesium Oxide? I have it and take it sometimes to get digestion going, but don't notice any benefits besides that.. is Mag glyc much better?
i like magnesium malate in OJ . i mix the seeking health brand in with some creatine and oxidal, feels great .
Topical magnesium chloride.
@guy Magnesium oxide has ~4% bioavailability. Glycinate is something like ~24%, so yes, it's much better.
@forty ok good to know thanks