@CO3 I'm interested in trying FOS for sibo. Does anyone know of a source for relatively small amounts (or that otherwise has it for cheap)? I saw 200 mg for a few days from Peat - is that a fine dose?

Latest posts made by Brandon
RE: Flowers of Sulphur
RE: lucid dream maxxing
@DMS You can get it on Amazon. Only high doses require a script.
Orange Juice Recommendations
Hello Peatfrens, please share your thoughts on orange juice. Does organic matter? I'm currently drinking the whole foods brand, but it's a bit expensive, so I'm curious if the cheap, nonorganic ones are still peaty enough.
RE: my meals / recipes
@CO3 Please poast your broth recipe somewhere where it can be viewed without a twitter account. I'd like to try it.
RE: Progest-E/Progesterone Questions
@CO3 Worth testing it on scars? That's all I have in the way of wounds currently.
Hello Peaters, my girlfriend is super cold all the time regardless of temperature. How fix? Hypothyroid is my best hypothesis, but I'm not sure. I can provide more info, but I'm not sure what's relevant. Dietary suggestions preferred, but supplements are fine too.
RE: Favorite Coffees? Favorite Coffee instruments?
I home roast (light) ethiopian. Typically brew in a french press with an electric kettle. Zero plastic involved, which is a nice bonus. I'll get an espresso machine soon so I can try my hand at roasting good espresso beans. I've been getting really nice fruit flavors lately, so I highly recommend home roasting if you're interested. You can start off roasting in an oven @ 450 for ~7 minutes. Just listen for popping noises, wait up to a minute, then take them out to cool.
RE: Knee pain
@Bran I've found that bodyweight sissy squats strengthen my knees and prevent pain after other exercises that're hard on the knees, but that's probably not a great idea when you're already injured. I suggest resting your knees until the pain goes away and then trying that.
RE: Scar Healing
@Peatly Great article, thank you. I've been using 5000 IU in olive oil since that's what I have available. I may stop the iodine to avoid confounding variables. I did take before pictures, so if it works, I'll provide proof. If any of you have application suggestions, I'm happy to test them. The olive oil is a little inconvenient.