Should I Start Peating Right Away?
Just found this place and want to try following Dr. Peat’s research. Should I start changing my diet right away or ease into it somehow?
I ate only fruit, whole milk, and fish yesterday and felt crazy energized; blew thru my homework in half the time it usually takes me. -
@highseabasch Ease in, fish may be problematic so look at the fat content
@highseabasch I think you can jump right in. Echoing @Terminator, I would recommend shellfish over fish because it's leaner
@highseabasch Peating without nofap is pointless, only commit to the former if you're prepared to commit to the latter
@NoFapPeating I dont jack off; what do u think about sex?
Definitely ease into it. Gradually increase your sugar requirements depending on stress and energy levels. Be sure to also incorporate some low dose uncoated aspirin in the beginning stages to slowly shift the body away from a fat burning state. Cheers.
@NoFapPeating I agree somewhat, fapping wastes so many nutrients and is also harmful without the presence of protective female hormones which are there during real sex
@highseabasch If it's within the confines of Biblical marriage and done for the purposes of reproduction it can be viewed as a kind of necessary evil, otherwise I would abstain. I wouldn't place it in the same category as masturbation, though, since it doesn't have the same potential to deregulate your endocrine system or your mind, to whatever extent one can separate the two.
Foodwise, Its a good idea to put your avg daily diet into cronometer and then slowly change up foods to decrease PUFA if needed, balance out macros or reduce tryptophan etc etc