Simple immune boosting "protocol" that works (in my experience)
@Sugarnotsnow eat thymus and drink raw colostrum
@Sugarnotsnow said in Simple immune boosting "protocol" that works (in my experience):
-Zinc: 20mg
-Copper: 3mg
-Selenium: 200mcg
-Vitamin D :5000IU
-Niacinamide: 1000 - 1500mgBefore finding Peat I had bacterial infections and this combination worked well. If I stopped the infections returned
Do you take this protocol as a daily lifestyle thing or is only taken therapeutically? When taking it, did you lose or maintain or gain weight?
@yerrag Only taken therapeutically when needed. The protocol has no effect on my weight.
Thanks. It's different. You may be on to something. Glad for one to see that it's a departure from merely Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin C...
@yerrag Yea and vitamin c supplements are often contaminated and derived from mold
Is it? I didn't know. I know industrial potassium citrate is derived from mold as well. I got really sick from it when I happened to be using tetracycline with it. The worst infection I had and I fixed it without going to a hospital, which at that time would have dumped me into the COVID stew and Would not have survived their treatments.
Ray was more concerned about the lead contamination in the usual vitamin C you find everywhere.
@yerrag Yea not only is it one of the most contaminated supplements with heavy metals but also citric acid and citrate used in supplements, like magnesium citrate, are all sourced from mold/fungus these days. Ascorbic acid im not sure about.
@yerrag said in Simple immune boosting "protocol" that works (in my experience):
Is it? I didn't know. I know potassium industrial KCL is derived from mold as well. I got really sick from it when I happened to be using tetracycline with it. The worst infection I had and I fixed it without going to a hospital, which at that time would have dumped me into the COVID stew and Would not have survived their treatments.
Ray was more concerned about the lead contamination in the usual vitamin C you find everywhere.
@Yerrag not sure if you remember the discussions at the old forum, they were about citric and ascorbic acid. Sometimes the topic of Quali-C purity would come up, coupled with the fact that it was derived fron non-GMO corn. And thanks for the heads up about Potassium Chloride [correction, Potassium Citrate], i'll have to research the topic further.
As for the original poster, it resembles the stack i've been doing for years. Not every day of course, but certain other minerals i do supplement nearly every day, like Magnesium for instance. Others to keep on your radar for part time use are Potassium Iodide (Lugol's) and Magnesium Chloride. Both have their own set of immune boosting benefits.
@BioEclectic said in Simple immune boosting "protocol" that works (in my experience):
And thanks for the heads up about Potassium Chloride, i'll have to research the topic further.
Sorry, I meant potassium citrate. I've since corrected it. Thanks for the heads up.
@BioEclectic said in Simple immune boosting "protocol" that works (in my experience):
research the topic further.
As for the original poster, it resembles the stack i've been doing for years. Not every day of course, but certain other minerals i do supplement nearly every day, like Magnesium for instance. Others to keep on your radar for part time use are Potassium Iodide (Lugol's) and Magnesium Chloride. Both have their own set of immune boosting benefits.
Lugol's is one thing I got as I had planned to use it internally, but not after doing a deep dive into. The deep dive never came though as I kept putting it off as I had to deal with more immediate health crises. But I was glad I have a 7% Lugol's on hand, which I had to buy from Germany (brand Heilotropfen). I got a nasty cat bite on my ankle bone which was so hard to heal from. I chances upon a thread here about Lugol’s and wounds and scars. It proved to be the answer that pharma meds can't hold a candle against. And Lugols’ is not officially sanctioned by the gate holders in AMA. Has been around for 150 years and doing nothing but working effectively but perhaps too well and too cheaply our overlords made it inaccessible.
I have to resume my deep dive on it starting with Walter Last articles on it and more into it from Guy Abraham's standpoint. And this is countercurrent from Peat's understanding of iodine.
Magnesium chloride is cheap and for the novice, it could be seen as a daily magnesium supplement but he would becoming acidic from regular use. Therapeutically, it may be used I guess, but I rather stay away from it because it is a highly acidic load. The only I can think of using it is if my ecf was highly alkaline for some reason. Usually, I think it is due to excessive alkaline supplementation.