Best country/location to live in
I am looking to build a house soon but cannot decide on the location.
What is the peatiest and most bioenergetic location to live in?
I know that factors like high altitude, lots of sun, not too hot weather for productivity, etc. play a role here.
What in your opinion is the best location to build a house?
I was looking for the same thing some time ago, but it turned out for me that the best place to live is where I have grown and know everything, that's also a place where you can dissolve in similar people so you won't be treated as outsider or someone weird.
So for me decision was clear, my country, Poland. Only con for me is low sun in winter but you can't have everything. I can share more arguments for this country if you are interested. -
@White The swiss alps seem great. High altitude, lots of open green land, and tons of dairy farms.
What matters most is the quality of life. That quality is about the people and the culture and attitudes that comes with sharing common interests and activities so neighbors are not strangers, and share strong roots. It is a plus for natives, but newcomers can feel more welcome if they don't act like transients that see the place as just a halfway house. And they don't go about pushing their culture or lifestyle or values on their newly adopted town, city, state, province, or country.
That place has to be welcoming to them, and the countries that are more welcoming are those who have been exposed to different cultures either by having been the conqueror or the conquered and colonized. Countries that have managed to stay unconquered and independent would be a more difficult place to settle down, as the people have yet to adjust to a different culture, especially of former masters or colonizers.
In such places, newcomers don't feel the burden of being second rate in that country, and the feeling of being welcome as a guest or as a neighbor and part of the community goes a long way towards developing a greater culture in that country.
I personally would prefer a place that isn't too developed and very prosperous. Because money is like honey, which attracts the gnats and the flies, and that would create another USA, where the healthcare system is the priciest and the people are the sickest, because moneyed interests feed on the population like vultures.
@White Do you have no friends? No family? Remote income?
In that case, you ought to travel and see for yourself the corners of the world. See what appeals to you with your own eyes. Then consider whether to settle down there and set down roots.