Curing psoriasis
Been struggling with it for years. Tried all the conventional protocols (AIP, keto, carno), which provided some relief but not fully. From what I understand it seems to be a gut and hormone issue. Been seeing promising things about T3 supplication, but donโt know where to start. Any one here cured it with Peating?
@b_well_insomnia not psoriasis but sebhorreic dermatitis, which is somewhat similar. Topical retinol cured it.
@b_well_insomnia i increased my calcium intake daily (4g) from from almost none daily and noticed reduction of eczema flare ups.
Ray Peat on calcium for anti-inflammatory, anti-stress. Milks affect on figure. -
Any updates? Increased calcium and vitamin A?
If you are consuming products containing added citric acid or niacin I recommend cutting them back completely.
I was drinking multiple Redbull almost every day for a year because I liked the temporary energy from them. I didn't think they were harming me at all at first but I had Psoriasis suddenly all over my arms and terrible histamine like symptoms. I was always scratching my skin even whilst I slept.
I thought it was my job in the motor industry which was getting more stressful each day and I also was being exposed to the dirty oils and such in this job. Stress is definitely a factor but after putting some things together and hearing Ray talk negatively about flushing I decided to kick my Redbull habbit and lo and behold after almost a year of sufferring I had relief.
I think sometimes we are stuck in a cycle of stress that can cause very visible symptoms that go away once we break this cycle. I have a Redbull still every now and again and don't have issues, so I think a lot of stress is cumulative.
I had a small patch of psoriasis on the front of my scalp and it went away within a few weeks of getting my vitamin D up to around 60ng/mL and never came back, except for one time where I was very stressed and sick, and my vitamin D also happened to be low - even then I could just see that it was about to be little inflamed, no skin flaking like it used to. Went away in a day again, so that was just an extreme low point.
To this day it's the part of my scalp most affected by hairloss and the hardest to rehabilitate, interestingly. I think it's related to the poor blood flow; that spot is probably the worst and when I have a stiff neck there is a nerve that has a bit of pain that leads straight to that spot. The poor blood flow and stress signals from the pinched nerve likely compounded the inflammation. It's been gone for about almost 5 years now.