@Tarzan17 said in Loneliness:
I feel so fucking lonely… but I bring this upon myself to some extent because of how uncomfortable I am in society (especially the uni community I’m in )… I cant relate with anyone around me nor do I share any interests or even values with those around me… so i never engage… by choice… because i dont want to with these people…
This probably isn't new Tarzan. The situation is unnatural before it's naturally unnatural. There's probably a reason all the 'cool' kids were partial to the abuse of entactogens back in the day. For 'pair bonding' is probably a more subtle and common energetic phenomenon than the conventional study of its most immediate and stark evolutionary functions seems to indicate.
One way or another, open up. You have nothing to protect, no face to save and everything is embarrassing.
to them i’d just come off as crazy, ridiculous, inappropriate etc…
These are potentially endearing and hilarious qualities. Make a joke of yourself immediately.
but I’m just feeling incredibly alone at the moment
Do you have any faith about you. You're probably never really alone you see. You're surrounded by life or the potential for it. And then there's where it came from.
@Tarzan17 just be schizo n imagine friends i talk to john pork when need help
Do LSD and make imaginary friends. they tend to be moe interesting than irl ones anyway
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@sneedful yeah it is cringe
i am for sure brainwashed in some way… i dont know… im not so sure what the purpose of this post was… if im honest another reason i dont engage some times is because i really dislike myself… and i cant rid myself certain beliefs that fuel this really poor self esteem…
Try famotidine. I found myself enjoying the company of others after taking it. It's the main ingredient in Pepcid and it is a powerful anti-serotonin agent. Try 10 mg - 20 mg. It takes about 1.5 hrs to take affect.
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@Tarzan17 you felt bad no biggie
youll do better . use the bioenergetic stuff to help your resilience. i know how you feel man ive been there. i told you its cringe so you know you can do better. srs next time you feel bad have a small coffee and something sweet -
@Tarzan17 try 400 mg preg.
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