Not Sweating as a Part of Hypothyroidism?
Hello everyone. One thing I've noticed when I did a low carb diet and always in the gym is I would barely sweat except for when I'm the sauna. I think I barely sweat before I was into any dieting/nutrition whatsoever, and I still barely sweat after taking a Bioenergetic/Peat-inspired approach over the last year and a half or so.
I no longer have access to a sauna regularly but I believe that would be key to tackling this issue.
Some friends have mentioned vitamin C and maybe even iodine (generally a riskier supplement in my experience) helping with this. I imagine lots of salt would help, and I am curious what users on this forum think as well.
Relevant reading: -
once i took a 100mg minocycline for the first time in awhile and vaccuumed the carpet and i got so hot and sweaty and it feels soooo good. im pretty sure if someone can trigger that daily they are im regenerative health.
i agree that sauna is good. i feel like triggering that sweating with it might even be enough to trigger it normally if someone has a poor sweating ability.
@yeehawyinzer Do you sweat in summer? I don't sweat a lot most of the time even in the gym, but I sweat a lot if I workout in summer. Also have you tried walking more than 1h? It makes me sweat more than working out.