Any methods to get probiotic pill thru small intestine
I tried taking L. reuteri yesterday and experienced minor sickness, which I partially resolved by eating a carrot salad and taking some antibacterial supplements. I understand that the bacteria likely got released in the small intestine, which may have caused my reaction.
Is there a safe method to ensure a pill bypasses the small intestine?
Edit : I also ate a salad yesterday with some vegetables which has possibly made it worse
If you want a pill to reach the second part of the colon, the pill should indicate it's coated. Or at least mention the term "delayed" (which is probably the same target).
And moreover we haven't enough information to see whether it was appropriate.
Need more info on the digestion, the feces and frequency of symptoms. -
@LucH I got one that says delayed release, so I guess I'm safe? And the sickness came from something else?
Ok if delayed.
You won't get rid of your problems if you don't have a strong plan, with coordinated action. Here we suppose the problem is recurrent (It has been lasting for some time).if you still try to get rid, you re-enforce most bacteria. You won't kill all the bacteria (overgrowth). Ability of some bacteria to hide behind a biofilm and to adapt : ability to change their sequence to resist to the menace.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000102 (no need to read).
Try to read Dr A. D'Oro to undertand howw to deal with overgrowth and dysbiosis.Here is some info. Take time to read and re-read. (translator needed)
*) SIBO : l’invasion des mauvaises bactéries dans votre intestin
SIBO: Invasion of bad bacteria in your intestine
=> Key ideas- The microbiota is the center of our immunity.
- If you regularly suffer from bloating, belching, flatulence, gastric reflux, abdominal pain and/or diarrhea, or even unexplained fatigue, most of these disorders come from the small intestine where there is an excess bacteria (SIBO).
There is a close link between bacterial overgrowth and celiac disease (irritable bowel or IBS). - SIBO, FODMAP, gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance, etc. contribute to low-grade inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. However, low-grade inflammation weakens intestinal tightness (leaky gut). This opens the door to the autoimmune reaction.
- Understand the process that leads to intestinal permeability: ---
How to deal with a recently installed SIBO / SIFO
It is an abnormal proliferation, bacterial and / or fungal, in the small intestine, causing multiple digestive and extra-digestive symptoms. Problems of intestinal hyperpermeability may be associated with this. When you have a methane sibo, the stagnation of materials in the large bowel + gas causes distensions that the bowel is not designed to handle.
Basis of treatment – The Sibo is recently installed.
The symptoms are less than a year old. We assume a low-noise bacterial-sounding IBS (IBS = Intestinal Bacterial Syndrome). Therefore we can ignore a biofilm disruptor as a precursor to the treatment. But we need a coordinated approach against excess intestinal bacteria: ration – stun – eradicate.
Strategy to attack bacterial biofilm Intestinal peristalsis (MMC) will be facilitated with a prokinetic: for example with Résolor 0.5 mg. Resolor will boost MMC in phase 3 (regular activity phase), when we are in the inter-digestive period, in order to evacuate waste. This must be done every night in order to achieve 100% evacuation. So Sibo will no longer be able to develop. The ideal is to start a 12-hour fast after the evening meal and to observe an inter-digestive space of 5 hours between each meal in order to allow the MMC to do its work also during the day.
Example of Siebecker Treatment Protocol (Pimentel 2006):
• Diet oriented, if desired, to facilitate the assimilation of macronutrients. This restrictive diet is poor in fermentable foods but will be limited in time, taking into account the terrain (intolerances and state of the digestive system).
• Antimicrobial treatment (antibiotics or plants) adapted to the type of SIBO/SIFO (hydrogen or methane). For example, I used these essential oils: Ceylon Cinnamon, Clove, Mountain Savory and Lemon EO. Peppermint EO, with ginger and fennel. Oregano EO. Some people use berberine successfully.
NB: EOs are preferably entero-protected (soft gels) in order to reach the 2nd part of the colon and to avoid attack on the intestinal mucosa.
• Prokinetics: I use Resolor 0.5 mg. We must prevent stagnation of faeces.
• Supply of useful nutrients (intestinal tightness / against leaky gut) via drink (water), with L-glutamine kyowa 15-20 gr. To compensate for the excitatory effect of glutamine, I use glycine (hydrolyzed collagen) and magnesium. But not only.
• Support digestion processes and the integrity of the intestinal wall with useful nutrients. For example lipase enzymes, betaine HCL. I used other nutrients to facilitate intestinal sealing (glutamine, butyrate).
• A reduction in factors that aggravate SIBO/SIFO such as stress or certain medications. Nb: Useful information: Dr Marc Pimentel, + Dr Bella Lindemans, Dr Nirala Jacobi. D’Oro (in French).
@William-Shat said in Any methods to get probiotic pill thru small intestine:
L. reuteri
I eat about ½ cup of a homemade L. reuteri yogurt every day. It has very high bacterial counts of L. reuteri. I have eaten this yogurt most days for over a year. The yogurt eventually makes its way from my mouth to my stomach and I am not certain how much of it survives into the small intestine. This suggests to me that it is not about getting the pill thru the small intestine.
L. reuteri in the upper GI track produces reuterin which has been known to inhibit tumorigenesis in the colon.
Have you considered opening the capsule (or crushing the pill) and mixing it into some food? I am thinking that this may avoid the minor irritations that one might experience.
mind the Kind of bacteria supplement when suspicion of histamine.
No L. Reuteri
Histamine et probiotiques
Effets indésirables de certaines souches de probiotiques (translator needed)
Adverse effects of certain strains of probiotics. -
@LucH - All good thoughts.
I am not suspicious of histamines yet. If he mixes his probiotic in food and has a similar intestinal irritation, then I would consider histamines to be a more likely possibility.
@LucH, amazing stuff, my guy I'll try this and will probably recommend it to my mother as well. You've just brought my attention to something that might change her life. Short backstory: My mother had gluten sensitivity her entire life until we moved to Croatia. After moving, her gluten sensitivity disappeared, but she started experiencing severe stomach bloating, which has been a major source of stress for her. Now that you've highlighted that gluten sensitivity can also be a symptom of SIBO, I'll try helping her with the routine you suggested.