Making progesterone at home
@alfredoolivas I thought I had read something about Progest-E being made by extracting from a special type of sweet potato, is it that difficult?
@JamesL getting estrogen symptoms from progesterone can be tissue estrogen being pushed into the blood and not being properly processed and removed through the live, bile and dietary fiber. If this might be the case for you, you could maybe try supplementing a little taurine to stimulate liver bile release and make sure to get your daily carrot salad or activated charcoal in.
@gloryus I don't get estrogenic symptoms from the old batches, I still have a few bottles
@JamesL Yes, you need a lab to do that
@gloryus have you tried idealabs progesterone to see if you get the same effects? Pretty sure they go through a lot of effort to get the most pure ingredients available.
@JamesL said in Making progesterone at home:
@alfredoolivas I thought I had read something about Progest-E being made by extracting from a special type of sweet potato, is it that difficult?
You can extract diosgenin from yams and synthesize Progesterone from that. But I don't think you can do that unless you are a chemist and have a lab with lots of resources.
Dr. Peat once mentioned that Progest-E is safe because it is refined further and further through a lot of steps. Even commercial products often have impurities and I suppose they have way better labs than any of us here has at home.
@gloryus No I haven't, his DMSO products affected me badly and I never trusted his products since
@JamesL Have you tried any other progesterone products like Ona's, Health Natura, or Forefront?
@gloryus yes Forefront, I didn't get the nice effects I used to get from the old Progest-E. Is there one you recommend?
@JamesL Another possibility is when ACTH is too high progesterone may not be metabolized into destressing pathways. At my worst I didn't feel anything positive from progesterone until I was taking a dose of cyproheptadine every 8 hours to suppress ACTH.
@gloryus I get great effects when I take the old bottles of Progest-E. I sleep noticeably better than normal and feel a sense of peace the next day. With the new bottles, I'm agitated and easily angered and my sleep isn't improved. Ray recommended Progesterone liberally, he never mentioned that people needed to do something in particular before using it to get good effects.
@JamesL that's just my experience. No response whatsoever from prohormones in general without smashing cortisol/serotonin down first. You can probably do this naturally just by eating above maintenance and maybe some caffeine.