Eating the ingredients
Anyone have thoughts on whether the benefits of carrot salad are lost if one eats the ingredients together rather than assembling a proper salad? I happen to love whole raw carrots, scoops of coconut oil, and shots of ACV. And I'm lazy.
the carrot is supposed to be long shreds.
my experience - caused bloating and indigestion. I eat a fair amount of bread which is haram for Peaters, but I can tell you the carrot salad was not good for me.
however, I can say if you are eating lots of fried food and pufa then any raw carrot will probably be good. I would say fresh veg / carrot has refreshed me after pufa heavy foods. -
going to follow up my last post noting:
I've since tried regular raw carrots. Generally felt good eating baby carrots or a regular carrot raw in between meals or at lunch time. I used to eat these with lots of salt and/or fruit as a child.
My issue is that "shaved carrot" only "works" if one does not chew the carrot! The carrot is going to be chewed. Only the weakest jaw would allow strands of carrot to be swallowed. Point being I think chunky carrot is good. To me, the oil and vinegar is not so important. I think it's just a good additional fiber that can be added to a lunch or as a snack and not necessarily every day.
@peatlegal I don't think it matters if its eaten whole or shredded or peeled. the whole "it must be le ribbons to massage the gut!!!11" makes no sense cause it is chewed anyways, you aren't swallowing whole carrot ribbons.... are you?? my dog actually used to swallow them whole when I gave them ribboned and they'd come out whole in her feces and I switched to shredding with a grater and It just seems better, plus carrots have stuff like farcarinol in them which is apparently good for gut health and probably absorbs better when the carrot is minced up. I don't rinse them either to drain beta carotene. tho if you are wanting a low beta carotene carrot, the white ones apparently still have farcarinol. and also there's lots concentrated in the bitter outer peel so use that too.
I feel like most raw vegetables and even some fruits are comparable with le carrot salad. raw cucumbers, raw capsicum, raw pineapple (especially this) all give a gut cleansing feeling. pineapple with the core is probably even better at "scrubbing" the gut out than carrots. though, the carrot salad does work, especially when soaked in vinegar.
@sushi_is_cringe pineapple is one of my favorite go tos. I don't worry much about citric acid bc canned or fresh pineapple is peak fruit.