Ridiculously androgenic Tocovit?
I've been taking three drops orally (~90 IU) daily for about a week and a half now and experiencing such strong effects from what should be a small dose that I'm worried it might be mislabeled or something. Shortly after taking it, my voice gets significantly deeper, my balls start to tingle (not unpleasantly tbh) and feel heavier, breathing becomes easier and more replenishing, and I get an itchy, prickling feeling over my skin which, upon examination, seems to be a bunch of new body hairs sprouting up. Could PUFA's thyroid suppressive effects be that strong that inhibiting them has such drastic effects?
It does appear to be EVOO, which it should be according to the label, so chances are it's what's on the label, but still felt I should ask if anyone else has had a similar experience.
sorry bro Haidut axcidentally swapped it out with my badboy ointment yur a man now hope you like it
what is the viscosity like? What is the color? (pull the top off and look inside)
Reviving this thread. Recently my body started working a bit differently without me having made any changes, except starting to eat some iodized salt, so I put it down to that. But at the same time I started a new Tocovit bottle, and these effects seem too much to ascribe to a little more iodine. Like OP I'm starting to think this bottle has been mislabeled or something, there almost has to be some kind of hormone in there. Anyone else using Tocovit experienced this? The particular bottle has a 4/2025 expiry date on it.
Maybe I need to get this stuff again.