How to create the Idea Labs product 'Magnoil' for less than a tenth of the price compared to IdeaLabs, whilst maintaining the exact same USP/ Food Grade quality.
Does the switch to sulfate effect absorption? Any comparisons to oral magnesium bicarb (this is what I make and is dirt cheap also).
@DkJoe2 Since it is dissolved in DMSO, it will have 100% bioavailability when applied topically. Furthermore, DMSO will carry the magnesium directly into the cells, without the need for a magnesium ion transporter, increasing absorption furthermore.
If oral magnesium bicarbonate works for you, I don't think there is much difference; magnesium bicarb has an oral bioavailability of 50% whereas this product has a 100% bioavailability; 50% bioavailability is pretty good as well. I personally don't use magnesium, but I have brewed this product, and it really easily dissolved and it fully absorbed when applied topically.
Read more about Magnoil here: -
@alfredoolivas How do you know it's 80% water? Doesn't say so on the page.
how do you guys cope with DMSO's scent.
it smells like garlic after a while and it's very offputtting to apply
Do some people have problems with DMSO? I've seen people complaining about it before but can't recall why.
Has anyone else tried this? Do you get any noticeable effects of high magnesium utilization?
On the original Reddit post, this user said it worked.
It absorbs well and dries fast in my experience. -
I wonder what is your problem? If you have problem you should keep it for yourself or share it with a specialist ..... but again guessing you looking for something cheap you will not resolve your issues so vaya con dios
@yeyo12 I have no problem with it and actually prefer it if possible
@alfredoolivas how do you know it contains water?I can only see DMSO and magnesium as ingredients? Thanks
@BeamsOfEnergy I remember Georgi saying it I think, not sure, it's been a year since I wrote and used this