What would your ideal peaty energy drink look like?
It is fairly easy to make an homemade energy drink, aside from the obvious (caffeine and taurine) what would you include?
I have given this some thought. Taurine, niacinamide, thiamine, l-theanine, glycine, caffeine, sugar, and an insane amount of CO2 (so bubbly you have to wear a rain jacket to drink).
@brad Would methylene blue work when taken orally in an energy drink like this? or would it just contribute to colour?
Someone posted a recipe here: https://bioenergetic.forum/post/2581
Definitely something with Alpha GPC & L-Theanine in alongside the caffeine, I personally just redbullmaxx and take L-Theanine after to offset the side effects though, probably not the healthiest but it tastes the best imo, corrosive to teeth though so gotta use a straw.
What about including BCAA+tyrosine for serotonin depletion?
Curious what people would think about adding in a little bit of ginseng, gingko biloba, b vitamins, etc.?
@Orkneyman_ It would work but not sure you want that in a drink. It's not something you should just take regularly willy-nilly.
@brad mine would look the same but Id add b6 and b7 as well
also a little bit of quinine, maybe just slightly more than modern tonic water but not too much
methylene blue would be way too overkill I think, just take it seperately if you need it (shouldnt even be a daily supplement imo anyway)
I had considered aspirin in the past but I dont think thatd be great either -
@Orkneyman_ I have already made and posted a recipe before, But I think thiamine is especially important and something lacking in every energy drink Ive ever seen
Also niacinamide opposed to niacin (estrogenic)
@Orkneyman_ just use bloo