X Bot for New Threads
@Dakota Nice idea. Forum API documentation is here in case anyone wants to have a shot at this: https://docs.nodebb.org/api/read/
I'm making this rn.
Posts will probably will look like this, but I might change that.Title bioenergetic.forum/topic/... Category #tag1 #tag2
Suggestions welcome
@ProgestTee Nice! Seems like you can keep the links short by skipping the part after the topic number (i.e. https://bioenergetic.forum/topic/61 instead of https://bioenergetic.forum/topic/61/x-bot-for-new-threads).
Maybe include author's name too
P pilky referenced this topic on
@pilky yep.
@pilky said in X Bot for New Threads:
Maybe include author's name too
"niggergroyper, nigga, hitler..." Just looking at the recent posts. Sure why not
@ProgestTee Lmao good point. Have the posts go through a filter first, a dictionary/regex. There's gotta be a shitton of those already made by someone. If you have offensive words in your name/post, well, bad luck, your post won't go on twitter.
@pilky Yea i might have to do that. I don't want the bot gone on the first day
@ProgestTee awesome, can't wait to see the result!
Well the bot is running. Getting the new threads takes a bit more work than expected, because the API doesnt seem to offer a way to list new threads. I request the newest posts and pick out the new threads from there, usually 1-2 requests are enough.
Twitter only allows for 50 posts / 24 hours on the free tier, so when theres a lot of activity the bot won't be able to repost every thread. If it gets rate limited it will just not post new threads until the wait period is over.
Currently it checks for posts every 20 mins.
This is what a post looks like for now.
It's @bioenergeticbot
Excluding categories "The Junkyard", "Products", "Meta" for now - theres a lot more posts than the bot can repost.
Very simple profanity filter is in place.
Tags are reformatted to be compatible with Twitter.
Running every 10 mins now. -
@ProgestTee Awesome work!
If someone would like to re-post full topics to twitter (similar to thread unrolling but from forum to Twitter with basic censoring) this might be useful. It would only need a dedicated forum account to tag in topics to be reposted.
(Twitter integration is trivial and left as an exercises for the reader.)