Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.
@ilovethesea that one definetly hahaha
ive been hearing about charlie recruiting people off his fundementalist forums going years back, im absolutely sure they have some gay groupchat to coordinate those posts
@peatyourmeat I actually wonder if it’s legitimate delusion or if he was some sort of sleeper agent all this time. Now charged with making sure Ray’s work stays fringe.
@ilovethesea You nailed it and I do believe it's something more that just delusion. Peat is so right about Serotonin stuff and one main goal of BigPharma is to make everyone depressed. When you can't kill someone (because if you do so his ideas will be 10x more intense due to prophet effects) you have to find other way to fight. One is to introduce the dogma. How beautiful this vitA stuff is to do such thing ? Don't you find weird that 1 year after Peat's death all this stuff happens ? I don't really know for Grant genereux but Garrett is for sure weird guy using weird method of manipulations. 25k followers with 15 likes on average per posts and he needs to share "testimonials" to convince people. Have you ever seen Ray sharing testimonials ? People comes because it makes sense and it's proven. Serotonin and brain is a big win for Ray. So yeah something dark about what the forum became and it was introduced way before by people like "OrangeBear". I still don't understand why these people have to justify their existence coming trying to save people in a forum that didn't ask them anything. It's like a vegan joinning a carnivor website to say "stop eating meat it's gonna kill you" and posting about "meat toxicity" 100 time a day... and all this based on "feeling".
@Harlock Yes exactly. It’s way too suspicious and when I said as much I got a ban for “disrespect” and my questions went unanswered. I don’t know Orange Bear but Garrett is an obvious con man. Anyone who has followed Ray for a decade should be able to see that , so clearly there’s manipulation going on to create the illusion of consensus on this toxic bile crap. Probably using fake accounts.
Also, Mercola who is an agent himself being welcomed in at the same time stinks to high heaven. Darkside papers telegram has info on how shady Mercola is.
They’re going to blackwash Ray, steal from his work whatever ideas they can profit from, and then muddy the waters so his ideas don’t go any further.
@ilovethesea What does the Darkside papers telegram say?
@Harlock I also have been banned for no reason :))
@Razvan Maybe because you are following some "ray peat inspired diet" and you are not fat. So you have to be ban I guess.
@Harlock I'm the most shredded person i know and following ray peat work for 6 years with of course some personal intervetions, but he keeps saying that every people following ray peat's advice is fat. Amazing. He wants to ban the proof.
You got it!
Oh my god, uh... I mean God.
I repeat the post for which I was banned on RPF: No wonder Dr. Peat didn't want his name connected to that place.
@ilovethesea that one definetly hahaha
im absolutely sure they have some gay groupchat to coordinate those postslol
@ilovethesea said in Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.:
That Christ lady is someone different though. Also a religious zealot.
I think she is someone different. But it's pretty suspicious that she was gone from the forum for more than a year, only to come back at the exact moment Charlie started his crusade and banned people left and right. And since then it's only servile obedience with everything Charlie says.
@Harlock Hi,he potentially banned you because he bans a good portion of people who share comments that don't follow his new narrative which is partially a fantasy
A good portion of the people he has unbanned recently, seem to be people that Charlie thinks will conform(female users in good part), and he has potentially unbanned them only so other perceive him as a better admin
@ilovethesea Hi, I suggest to be even more careful with comments on the user "inchristalone" she has shared dark stories recently on the "raypeat" forum, she is potentially more sensitive and vulnerable to read comments about her that she would perceive as negative
@Truth I got banned some Years ago for making a joke about Elton John, I kid you not, hey the Guy is a bit loopy
Ridiculous inconsistency in all this as well. "JohnHafterson" got away with it.
Obviously no one can be sure. I made a psych study of him in all this, and I'm almost certain he's not a spook, just an idiot. A dooming idiot. I'll expand and waffle a bit on a comment of yours in another thread.
Although your invocation of this "sleeper agent" concept is still relevant. All idiots. All dooming idiots are liable to act in a manor consistent with "sleeper agent" status at any moment. Without even realising what they're doing. They can be dangerous.
Your exit looked cool for what it's worth Razvan. If you gotta go, make it count. And you did.
@ilovethesea said in Banned from RP forum : Can you do better than this.:
Garrett is an obvious con man.
Even this guy. Yes he's a con man. But is he really aware of it. Or is he in fact a resentful moron, sitting on a pile of bad decisions. Thrashing about in the water.
I spent some time watching and muddying his Twitter campaign when I got banned on the 11th. And a picture emerged. These moronic types are quite revealing if you watch and interact a bit.
@Razvan big fan fyi been reading your posts for years