anyone else think medical/blood tests are mostly cope?
this is how it usually works:
u feel x. (low t/libido, vitamin deficency, tired, generally bad etc)
u go to the doctor to test for x y and z.tests
u keep on feeling bad for the 2-6 weeks waiting time.
doctors confirm that you have y or z that could cause x during another $$$ checkup
u take treatments for x that may or may not work, mostly depending on your body. the treatments could have been prescribed with similar accuracy day 1 with less waiting (kind of like an abusive partner making u have emotionally attachment to "x levels" in the tests)
U make sure to give them and their drug-filling middlemen $$$
PS. if u let the doctor touch your nuts during check-ups as kid im sorry to break it to u u are level 0 npc. im pretty sure i can feel a lump on my testicles myself, thank you very much fag
@peatyourmeat the blood data is for you to draw conclusions from, not for your doctor to interpret, doctors don't spend enough time per patient to really figure out what is wrong, doctors need to do research too for making proper diagnosis and with how the modern health system works that is just not possible