Getting majority of calories from Mexican coke is not optimal?
Greetings, for the past few months I've been living primarily off of Mexican coke. I'd say it's about 40-50% of my calories per day. I also eat McDonald's cheeseburgers and sweet tea, cheese slices, grass fed milk and orange juice. It occurred to me that I'm not improving my chronic fatigue or other issues. I did some research yesterday, and apparently you need a vitamin known as thiamine to process sugar. Lack of thiamine is also the first thing people mention when talking about fatigue, my main symptom. Mexican coke doesn't have this vitamin in it at all. So the past few months I've been consuming massive quantities of added table sugar in cokes for naught as my cells can't even use it without accompanying thiamine. Apparently both milk and orange juice have adequate amounts of thiamine to process the sugar within them, so hopefully I'll see improvements if I completely replace the cokes with milk/orange juice.
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@VehmicJuryman Good job bro
@VehmicJuryman I replaced cane sugar cola with bottled orange juice from the store this past month but it is simply not sweet enough, especially after I started supplementing thyroid. I just drank 180gm of sugar from cola for the first time in a month and my mind is racing, my depression and fatigue disappeared, etc.
Right now my options are 1. Drink cola while supplementing thiamine 2. Buy a juicer and make my own orange juice with store bought oranges and see if it's sweet enough
Get some Thiamine from PureBulk, even if you don't take it very often it's just something good to have laying around. There are many studies showing how sustained or even very large doses can have positive effects on a wide range of health problems.If you don't feel like supplementing you can also eat thiamine rich foods like squash.
Here is a useful thread by thiamine's biggest proponent as well.