Sun exposure
How long should I be tanning for to get the benefits but not kill my skin / look 20 years older. The average UV index is 8 btw
1-2 hours of sun is a safe amount that'll get you 10-20k UI vitamin D.
Build up slowly if you haven't been getting sun recently to prevent burns. Maybe do one or two 30 minute sessions to begin, then try 1 hour.
I absolutely never sunscreen, I have believed for 20 years that it causes skin cancer rather than the sun, and recent things I've read support that. Low vitamin D is a bigger risk factor than not putting on suncreen, and suncreen blocks vitamin D. Backwards retarded logic to use it. I'm not going to slather chemicals on my skin that will heat up and absorb into my body.
@b1 Fair skin typically burns within about 10-15 minutes of sun exposure, light to medium skin may last around 15-20 minutes before burning. Medium to olive skin tones can often withstand sun exposure for 25-30 minutes before burning, and dark skin may have approximately 30-45 minutes of protection. These are general estimations, I assume for people who consume a lot of pufas; UV index levels and personal skin sensitivity can affect individual responses to sunlight.
I read somewhere that 15 minutes of direct mid-day sunlight on a patch of fair skin will produce maximum vitamin D, more doesn't accomplish anything.
You can get hours of sun outside of tanning/burning hours though (10am-4pm during standard time, which is 11am-5pm during daylight savings time)