Milk fat
If i get some raw cow milk,heat it up a bit in a pot,let it cool then scrape the fat off the top,will that make it skimmed(2% fat or less)?
Why in the world would you buy raw milk, just to pasteurize it and skim it? Just buy skim milk from the store, if you’re investing in raw milk, drink it as is, or skim the fat off the top without heating it.
@Cezar4911 said in Milk fat:
will that make it skimmed(2% fat or less)?
Why will you take the fat out?
- for diet ? Fats are supposed to be more caloric.
- for digestion: you don't digest fats very well? No problem with lactose then.
- to avoid micro-organism in raw milk?
@RawGoatMilk88 i consume 3 liters of sugary milk on top of 2k calories of solid food
That amount of fat in milk adds up calorically wise and it doesnt help with glucose oxidation as well
Store bought skim milk is pasteurized at uht and homogenized(worst one),which will brutalize my gut -
100g sugar with each liter of milk to be exact
If you pasteurize raw milk, you're retarded. "Raw milk is dangerous" is a lie, an overblown hysteria that has done untold damage to humanity. Raw milk was never a problem in history until a Rothschild decided it needed to be banned. How many hundreds of millions consumed it before then with no issue?
Now all the programmable NPCs think it will kill you instantly if you consume it. Yes, the thing that human and animal newborns drink, is somehow the most toxic poison on the planet. LIE. Manufactured fear to prevent humans from consuming one of the healthiest things in the world.
In reality it's completely safe to consume if you're not the top 0.01% most unhealthy, obese, immune compromised person on the planet.
How many people do they even claim it killed or made sick? I've seen that it was some insanely low number like 200 people when they decided to ban it.
Meanwhile, tons of "raw" produce like lettuce and spinach also make people ill, but those will never be banned, because they're practically devoid of nutrients, and it's the slop that globalists want you to eat when they try to ban meat.
@Hearthfire if i drink 3 liters of full fat milk with sugar on top of my 2k solid cals ill get fat fatso fatsy fatass
Get it? -
literally typed "heat it up a bit"(2 mins) so more fat gathers on top,which ill then scoop out
Looks like the solution is to stop drinking so much sugared milk and just have a few glasses of full fat raw milk and eat an otherwise nutritious diet.
Skim milk and sugar is nutritionally devoid.
Most raw milk isn't homogenized. You should be able to sit the milk down in the fridge and skim the fat off the top
@RawGoatMilk88 In what way is skim milk nutritionally devoid? It doesn't contain much in terms of fat soluble vitamins but it still has plenty of b12, b2, calcium, ect and is a good protein source